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<h2 style="margin:0; background:#E8A317; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #F0E68C; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">History</h2>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#E8A317; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #F0E68C; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">History</h2>
:'''''See also:''' [[/Professional History|Professional history]], [[/Medical Records|medical records]]''

===Early life===
===Early life===
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:'''''See also:''' [[/Professional history]]''
:'''''See also:''' [[/Professional history|Professional history]], [[/Medical Records|medical records]]''
Against the advisement of his academy trainers, Tristam took the famed Koboyashi Maru test. Before entering the Neutral Zone, he proceeded to evacuate his ship, and chose to face Romulan warbirds without a bridge crew in the hope to save as many lives as possible and fool the Romulans into believing the civilians aboard his vessel were actually his crew. However, he failed to keep track of his crew, and they were ambushed in their shuttles and escape pods, taken prisoner or destroyed as they were left defenseless from spatial attack. Meanwhile, his daring plan to rescue the civilian vessel failed, and Tristam went to warp with a severely damaged warp drive (of which he would have known, had he still had a bridge crew), and his vessel was left destroyed. He looks back on the incident as being an absolute disaster.
Against the advisement of his academy trainers, Tristam took the famed Koboyashi Maru test. Before entering the Neutral Zone, he proceeded to evacuate his ship, and chose to face Romulan warbirds without a bridge crew in the hope to save as many lives as possible and fool the Romulans into believing the civilians aboard his vessel were actually his crew. However, he failed to keep track of his crew, and they were ambushed in their shuttles and escape pods, taken prisoner or destroyed as they were left defenseless from spatial attack. Meanwhile, his daring plan to rescue the civilian vessel failed, and Tristam went to warp with a severely damaged warp drive (of which he would have known, had he still had a bridge crew), and his vessel was left destroyed. He looks back on the incident as being an absolute disaster.

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As a Rodulan, Tristam is highly telepathic, though others aren't normally capable of reading his thoughts or emotions. While he slips and may occasionally catch other thoughts from those around him, he deliberately avoids actively seeking thoughts of another, for fear of causing harm. He despises violence, regularly citing that it gets a situation nowhere, and actively avoids ground combat when possible. Though he has spent over a decade away from the home and safety of Rodul, he still considers those around him as aliens, and often finds himself curious or confused about the confines of their culture or identity.
Young and considerably naive by typical Rodulan standards, Tristam has proven to be somewhat of a whimsical genius of his field. He is highly dramatic about the smallest things, as what a 'regular' humanoid may consider an ''over''-reaction is simply Tristam's standard reaction. As such, he is quick on his feet and far from single-minded, often whizzing around main engineering thinking about a dozen things otherwise unrelated to his task.  

Tristam enjoys working with technology, and proves to be quite happy to get his hands dirty and fix something, going so far as to call it therapeutic. Often he will use a process of elimination when problem solving, coming up with courses of action or when attempting to explain abnormal things - his head will tilt slightly in a different direction when he considers a different possibility. It has been noted on numerous occasion that Tristam thinks more than he speaks, sometimes to a fault. Important decisions often trip the Rodulan up, though he has proven himself quite capable in emergencies.
Despite the Rodulan consideration of his age, Tristam is highly dependable. He struggles on a day-to-day basis with his sleep schedule, needing a minimum eleven hours to function at 100%, but the standard work shifts aboard most Starfleet installations simply aren't equipped for this. There have been days where he is indeed late to a work shift, but the Rodulan will do his utmost to make up for tardiness. His work ethic is indisputable, as once the Rodulan has his mind set on something, it is near impossible for him to simply give up on it - as evidenced by his time on [[Outpost 3]]. He is a capable leader, willing to adjust and make exceptions for certain situations, though he has never truly felt comfortable in a leadership role.

He tends to be highly dramatic about the smallest of things, meaning he often has a lengthy list of things he doesn't like. He is mortally afraid of spiders and dislikes having to work on propulsion systems due to prejudices from home - though he does possess the skill and know-how to do this, he may delegate these tasks to others of an Engineering staff.
Highly telepathic and incapable of having his thoughts read by others, Tristam still considers those around him as aliens, often finding himself curious or confused about the confines of their culture or identity. He does catch a glimpse of the thoughts of those around him, but to avoid causing harm, he refuses to engage others in the full use of his abilities, instead utilizing basotile. He is a pacifist, downright despising violence to the point of racism, seeing the Rodulan people as "above" such barbaric displays, and believes all conflicts should be solved through some form of diplomatic means. To that end, he rarely carries a phaser, unless need for its use as a tool arises.
Tristam enjoys working with technology, and proves to be quite happy to get his hands dirty and fix something, going so far as to call it therapeutic. Often he will use a process of elimination when problem solving, coming up with courses of action or when attempting to explain abnormal things - his head will tilt slightly in a different direction when he considers a different possibility. It has been noted on numerous occasion that Tristam thinks more than he speaks, sometimes to a fault.
Tristam leans towards Rodulan spirituality through a Krzexxi interpretation of modern Artistry (also known as ''Dikkenism'' by older Rodulan generations). He will often use language derivative of this, often to the confusion of others, but he is more than happy to explain what he means.  

[[File:TristamCore.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Image of Tristam in 2390.]]
[[File:TristamCore.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Image of Tristam in 2390.]]
Aside from a slight height difference, Tristam is identical to his brother Taywor. Standing at 5'8 feet, with brown hair and trademark rings of tiredness under his eyes due to not getting enough sleep, the Rodulan often sports a scruffy beard, rarely completely shaved (claiming he'd rather not look like a five year old). His eyes are a typical Rodulan black - which often cause alarm among [[Terran]]s whom have never seen a Rodulan before. Because of this, he will use "regular eyes" (contacts) when in large crowds of civilians on a rare occasion, to avoid causing alarm - these are brown in colour. On duty, however, he's often required to deal with the shock of fellow crewmates or otherwise, and usually resorts to laughing their reaction off.
Aside from a slight height difference, Tristam is identical to his brother Taywor. Standing at 5'8 feet, with brown hair and trademark rings of tiredness under his eyes due to not getting enough sleep, the Rodulan often sports a scruffy beard, rarely completely shaved (claiming he'd rather not look like a five year old). His eyes are a typical Rodulan black - which often cause alarm among anyone whom have never seen a Rodulan before. He's often required to deal with the shock of fellow crewmates or otherwise, and usually resorts to laughing their reaction off.

Tristam prefers a smart-casual dress sense, often leaning towards a simple pair of pants, shirt and vest. He has a favoured pair of maroon canvas shoes for when he is off duty, wearing them with just about anything (he also claims he only owns three pairs of shoes - the canvas, brown dress shoes and his work boots). His hair is what he likes to call "stylishly messy", both on and off duty (though [[Joseph Washington|commanding officers]] have asked him to 'clean up' on few occasions). On duty, he is always wearing his Engineering cargo pants, for pockets to carry various tools and small pieces of equipment. When working on ship or station repairs, he may often be found without his uniform jacket.
Tristam prefers a smart-casual dress sense, often leaning towards a simple pair of pants, shirt and vest. He has a favoured pair of maroon canvas shoes for when he is off duty, wearing them with just about anything (he also claims he only owns three pairs of shoes - the canvas, brown dress shoes and his work boots). His hair is what he likes to call "stylishly messy", both on and off duty (though [[Joseph Washington|commanding officers]] have asked him to 'clean up' on few occasions). On duty, he is always wearing his Engineering cargo pants, for pockets to carry various tools and small pieces of equipment. When working on ship or station repairs, he may often be found without his uniform jacket. At all times, he wears an "Eye of the Artist" - a deep blue, circular pendant that supposedly allows the Artist an eye to where the Rodulan canvas simply cannot extend.

After a severe knee injury, when Tristam stands for long periods of time, he rests most of his weight onto his right leg out of habit. He will also cross his arms when listening to instructions or important information. When his hands and feet are busy, engineering tools may be held between his teeth whilst Tristam works - much to the distaste of engineering tool owners.
After a severe knee injury, when Tristam stands for long periods of time, he rests most of his weight onto his right leg out of habit. He will also cross his arms when listening to instructions or important information. When his hands and feet are busy, engineering tools may be held between his teeth whilst Tristam works - much to the distaste of engineering tool owners.
File:Core-Rahman.jpg|With [[Roshanara Rahman]]
File:TristamCorelivingroom.jpg|Living quarters aboard the {{USS|Invicta}}
File:Tristamseason.jpg|Happy holidays
*When formally addressed by fellow Rodulans, Tristam will be referred to as "Daneil Core" - Daneil being his professional term. He was given this term by his mother shortly before her death, assigning the field to him as most parents in the Western Gate do, giving their child perhaps an angle of education they'd like to explore. Tristam somewhat coincidentally became connected to the technological field, though Meredyn's prediction had little to do with it.



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