Aurora Crew History: Difference between revisions

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Added all officers I could locate from the wiki, as well as correcting all the dates
(unorphaning a page, added crew history category)
(Added all officers I could locate from the wiki, as well as correcting all the dates)
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As with most vessels and bases, people come and go. Here is a list of those who have served aboard the USS Aurora, along with their post, dates of service, and highest grade achieved whilst aboard.
As with most vessels and bases, people come and go. Here is a list of those who have served aboard the USS Aurora, along with their post, dates of service, and highest grade achieved whilst aboard.
{{CrewHistory|SHIP = Ship or Station's Name}}
===<font color="maroon">Commanding Officer</font> ===
{{Post|Red|Commanding Officer}}
* '''Commander [[Vetri, Della|Della Vetri]]''' - (238802.09 - 238802.09)
{{Old Officer|Commander|Della Vetri|Red|238802.09 - 238810.22}}
* '''Captain [[Parker, Megan|Megan Parker]]''' - (238205.29 - 238212.21)
{{No ID Old Officer|Captain|Megan Parker|Red|238205.29 - 238212.21|NOTES=Promoted to Captain, 238209.11|Captainmeganparker.JPG}}
{{Post|Red|First Officer}}
===<font color="maroon">First Officer</font> ===
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Marcus Dickens|Red|238802.09 - 238810.22}}
* '''Lieutenant Commander [[Dickens, Marcus|Marcus Dickens]]''' - (238802.09 - 238802.09)
{{Post|Red|Diplomatic officer}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|T'Lea|Red|238802.09 - 238806.08}}
===<font color="maroon">Helm Officer</font> ===
{{Post|Red|Helm Officer}}
* '''Ensign [[Rathbone, Matthew|Matthew Rathbone]]''' - Helm Officer (238806.08 - 238808.14)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Matthew Rathbone|Red|238806.08 - 238808.14|MattRath.jpg}}
===<font color="maroon">Helm/Conn/Ops</font> ===
{{Post|Red|Helm, Communications & Operations}}
* '''Lt Commander [[Thomas, Kael|Kael Thomas]]''' - Chief of Operations (238205.29 - 238301.12)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|S'Acul Aveunalliv|Red|238902.04 - 238810.22|S'Acul1.jpg|10}}
* '''Ensign [[Stone, Allison Riley|Allison Riley Stone]]''' - HCO Officer (238802.09 - 238807.01)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Emelie|Red|238808.30 - ------.--}}
* '''Ensign [[McKenzie, Samantha|Samantha McKenzie]]''' - HCO Officer (238804.04 - 238806.01)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Samantha McKenzie|Red|238804.04 - 238806.01|McKenzie2.jpg|15}}
* '''Ensign [[Emelie]]''' - HCO Officer (???? - ????)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Allison Stone|Red|238802.09 - 238807.01}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief of Operations}}
===<font color="darkgoldenrod">Engineering</font> ===
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Kael Thomas|Gold|238205.29 - 238301.12}}
* '''Lieutenant [[Tali, Elya|Elya Tali]]''' - Chief Engineering Officer (238802.09 - 238802.09)
{{Post|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
* '''Lieutenant JG [[Mitchell, Lincoln|Lincoln Mitchell]]''' - Engineering Officer (238802.09 - 238807.01)
{{No ID Old Officer|Lieutenant|Elya Tali|Gold|238805.-- - 238808.--|ElyaCoiDress.png}}
* '''Ensign [[Jaidin Set'al]]''' - Engineering Officer (238805.24 - ????)
* '''Ensign [[Landau, Lucien|Lucien Landau]]''' - Engineering Officer (238806.21 - 238802.09)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Benjamin Okera|Gold|238809.08 - ------.--|Ben okera.jpg}}
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Lucien Landau|Gold|238806.20 - 238809.02|Lucien Landau.png}}
===<font color="darkgoldenrod">Security & Tactical</font> ===
{{No ID Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Lincoln Mitchell|Gold|238802.09 - 238807.01}}
* '''Lieutenant Commander [[Barnes, Hugh|Hugh Barnes]]''' - Chief Security/Tactical Officer (238802.09 - 238802.09)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Jaidin Set'al|Gold|238805.24 - ------.--}}
* '''Lieutenant (JG) [[Gilaars, Rebecca|Rebecca Gilaars]]''' - Security Officer (238802.09 - 238802.09)
{{Post|Gold|Chief of Security/Tactical}}
* '''Ensign [[Eerie|Eerie]]''' - Tactical Officer (238803.29 - 238802.09)
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Hugh Barnes|Gold|238802.09 - 238810.22}}
* '''Lieutenant JG. [[Matthews, Alexander|Alexander Matthews]]''' - Security/Tactical Officer (238809.05 - 238802.09)
{{Post|Gold|Security/Tactical officer}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Alexander Matthews|Gold|------.-- - 238810.22}}
===<font color="teal">Medical</font> ===
{{Post|Gold|Tactical officer}}
* '''Lieutenant [[Malcolm, Jen|Jen Malcolm]]''' - Chief Medical Officer (238802.09 - 238802.09)
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Eerie|Gold|238803.20 - 238810.22}}
* '''Ensign [[Pierce, Sidney Jocelyn|Sidney Pierce]]''' - Counselor (238802.09 - 238807.01)
{{Post|Gold|Security officer}}
* '''Lieutenant JG [[Re'Maru|Re'Maru]]''' - Medical Officer (238802.15 - 238802.09)
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Rebecca Gilaars|Gold|------.-- - 238810.22}}
* '''Ensign [[Quinn, Nora|Nora Quinn]]''' - Medical Officer (238802.15 - 238804)
* '''Ensign [[O'Hanlon, Chris|Chris O'Hanlon]]''' - Medical Officer (238808.15 - 238802.09)
{{Post|Teal|Chief Medical Officer}}
* '''Ensign [[Zonhar|Zonhar]]''' - Counselor (238806.01 - 238808.31)
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Jen Malcolm|Teal|238802.09 - 238810.22}}
* ''' Lt. Cmdr.[[Locke, Sariel|Sariel Locke]]''' - Science Officer (238808.12 - 238802.09)
{{Post|Teal|Medical officer}}
* ''' Lieutenant JG. [[Teagan, Arielle|Arielle Teagan]]''' - Counselor (238809.05 - 238802.09)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Chris O'Hanlon|Teal|238808.15 - 238810.25|ChrisO'Hanlon.jpg|5}}
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Dale McGregor|Teal|238805.12 - 238810.24|McGregor.jpg}}
{{No ID Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Re'Maru|Teal|238803.12 - ------.--|RemaruB.jpg}}
===<font color="blue">Science</font> ===
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Nora Quinn|Teal|238802.15 - 238804.--|Nora Quinn 10.jpg}}
* '''Ensign [[Carmody|Stephen Carmody]]''' - Science Officer (238802.09 - 238802.09)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Kel Mage|Teal|238209.11 - 238212.12|NOTES=Reassigned Science Officer}}
* '''Ensign [[Winters, Ruben|Ruben Winters]]''' - Science Officer (238802.09 - 238807.01)
* '''Lt. Cmdr. [[Locke, Sariel|Sariel Locke]]''' - Science Officer (238804.15 - 238804.17)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Zonhar|Teal|238805.31 - 238810.22|ZonharB1.3.jpg}}
* '''Ensign [[Blackwood, Evanna | Evanna Blackwood]]''' - Science Officer (238805.10 - 238802.09)
{{No ID Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Arielle Teagan|Teal|238809.04 - 238810.15|ArielleTeagan.jpg}}
* '''Lieutenant Commander [[T'Lea]]''' - Diplomatic Officer (238806.06 - 238802.09)
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Sidney Pierce|Teal|238802.09 - ------.--|Sidneypierce2.jpg}}
{{Post|Teal|Chief Science Officer}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|T'Lea|Teal|238806.08 - 238810.22}}
===<font color="Black">Other</font> ===
{{No ID Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Takashi Chen|Teal|238212.16 - 238301.07|NOTES=Transferred to {{USS|Ursa Major}}|Chen-2.jpg}}
* '''Lieutenant Commander [[T'Lea]]''' - Diplomatic Officer (238802.09 - 238806.04)
{{Post|Teal|Science officer}}
{{No ID Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Evanna Blackwood|Teal|238805.10 - 238810.25|EvaB1.jpg}}
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Ruben Winters|Teal|238802.09 - 238807.01|Trill male.jpg|22}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Sariel Locke|Teal|238804.15 - 238804.17}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Stephen Carmody|Teal|------.-- - ------.--}}
{{No ID Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Kel Mage|Teal|238212.12 - 238301.06}}
{{No ID Old Officer|Ensign|Takashi Chen|Teal|238209.27 - 238212.16|Chen-2.jpg}}
{{Label|Marine Contingent|Green}}
{{Post|Green|Marine officer}}
{{No ID Old Officer|First Lieutenant|Kagran|Green|238806.27 - 238810.23|DimmerB2.0.jpg}}
{{CrewHistory End}}

[[Category:USS Aurora]]
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