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Inquisitive by nature, David goes by the credo, "Information is ammunition." This is due in no small part by having parents who served in Starfleet Intelligence.
Inquisitive by nature, David goes by the credo, "Information is ammunition." This is due in no small part by having parents who served in Starfleet Intellimission.

David is friendly and social.
David is friendly and social. He likes interacting with people and experiencing new cultures and points of view. However if something conflicts with his ethics, he will put a brake on it unless he is in the culture's "house", in which case, in proper Federation fashion he will grin and bear it.... without a lot of grinning.
He also has come to an early understanding that to defeat red tape, he needs to get in good with members of various departments and will cultivate relationships with certain members of said departments. This isn't to say he is a heartless go getter, the friendships usually are genuine. He just understands that such friendships can be handy and make his life easier when given a task or mission.
He does believe in proper chain of command and military decorum for the most part, and can be mildly uncomfortable with senior officers with a more casual attitude. He does worry that familiarity breeds contempt, though he does try to relax around those officers who's command style is more "family" then "military", with varying degrees of success.
He dislikes bullies and has gone out of his way to fight them since childhood. He also dislikes those who are derelict in their duties and corruption, as he feels such actions harm the command he is serving with and Starfleet as a whole, which the young man finds intolerable.



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