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{{SectionRounded|January 2011, Stardate 238801|green}}
{{SectionRounded|October 2002, Stardate 237910|green}}
{{Header|green|Subject of the mail, maybe a date}}
{{Header|green|Hoax Virus Warnings}}
Mail content
This e-mail is not spam. You've received it from UFOP: StarBase 118 RPG
{{Header|green|Subject of the mail, maybe a date}}
Group, which you appear to be a member of. If you are no longer a member,
Mail content
refer to .
There have been a number of Virus Warnings going on the Yahoogroups lists
lately. I wanted to update everyone of the validity (or rather, lack
thereof) of one such warning, and educate you on where you can go to find
more information.
First: The "jdbgmgr.exe" file is NOT a virus. You may have received an
e-mail which said this file, which has a teddy-bear icon, is a hoax and how
to delete it from your computer. This file is actually the Java Debugger
for Windows. Although there are viruses which may infect this file, chances
are you are NOT infected with one of them.
Second: If you receive a virus warning, please DO NOT e-mail it to the
Yahoogroups lists for UFOP. All Yahoogroups lists in UFOP are configured to
discard attachments, which means that you CANNOT distribute a virus through
the Yahoogroups lists. If you have a legitimate virus on your computer and
you wish to update others in case you have infected them, please e-mail
"webmaster@..." and notify that e-mail address of the EXACT
virus you were infected with, as well as any other information you might
have about who you believe you may have spread it to.
THIRD, and MOST IMPORTANT: is the developer of one of the most
widely used and well-known virus scanning engines. They also have a  
database of viruses, and HOAXES which is updated hourly. It is the BEST
source to find information on virus warnings you may have received. The URL
Finally: If you do not have virus scanning software, you can find more
information about McAfee's products here: . It
is imperative that you have some kind of virus scanning software on your
update your virus files, then your computer is STILL at risk. If you
already own virus software, and suspect that you may not have updated your
files lately, refer to your software's help files on "updating .dat files".
If you have any further questions, you can e-mail:
webmaster@... .
<br>Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf
* Commander of StarBase 118
* Executive Council Magistrate
* Training Academy Commendant<br>
{{Header|green|Big Updates - OOC Boards and UPDS}}
There have been some big updates in the last week that we on the UFOP
staff wanted to update everyone about. Please read this entire e-mail, as
it is very important information!
1. OOC Message Boards: We have moved from the EZBoards site to our server,
with a new software system. Most importantly the new boards are free, which
means we can offer you non-pop-up, no-advertisement message boards that
load quickly, with no cost to us, or you.
Beyond just that, however, the system is simply better overall. Users will
find that there are many more functions available when posting, which are
easier to use. The board, for example, keeps track of which threads and
forums you have read, and displays which forums have new posts since you
last visited, automatically! This makes browsing new material much quicker.
There is also now a Private Message system which will allow you to keep in
contact with friends easier, through the boards!
In all, we hope you will find these new boards easier to navigate, and
more fun to browse. You can find them at: .
Registration is a quick process that will allow you to take advantage of
the full functionality of the forums!
2. UPDS -- IMPORTANT!: There has been a large update to the UPDS in the
past 72 hours, as you may have noticed from it's downtime. We are excited
to announce that you can now manage more than one character on your
username!! With this rearrangement, you now can manage your user info on
one screen, and keep your character information seperate.
To ensure that this system works properly, we need ANYONE who has more
than one username on the UPDS to PLEASE e-mail FltAdml. Wolf at
twolf@... and tell him:
1. Your two usernames.
2. Which character is your primary character.
With this information, we will consolidate the database so that users only
have to log into their primary username to update all of their characters.
If you have any questions, you can also contact Wolf at the address above.
3. "TOP SIMS" CONTEST: We are now running a contest to find the best SIMs
posted to the ships! You can find out more information about this contest
<br>Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf
* Commander of StarBase 118
* Executive Council Magistrate
* Training Academy Commendant<br>
{{SectionRounded|December 2002, Stardate 237912|green}}
{{Header|green|2 Chats this Weekend!}}
Just as a reminder, (as always) there will be TWO chats this weekend, to
accommodate more members of the group! Chats are a great way to get to know
other people in our organization, and help build a network of friends on
other ships! Most importantly, our online chat panel makes chatting easy!
Just go to:
You'll find the times of the chats, the moderators, and the online chat
panel that will connect you directly to our chatroom. It doesn't require
any additional software!
Below are the chat times:
DATE: Saturday, December 6th
TIMES: 9:00 pm - US/Eastern; 8:00 pm - US/Central; 7:00 pm - US/Mountain;
6:00 pm - US/Pacific; 2:00 am (Dec. 7th) - Greenwich Mean.
DATE: Sunday, December 7th
TIMES: 8:00 pm - Greenwich Mean; 3:00 pm - US/Eastern; 2:00 pm -
US/Central; 1:00 pm - US/Mountain; 12:00 pm - US/Pacific.
NOTE: Don't forget to register your nickname with the server! Just type:
"/nickserv help register" (without the quotes) when you sign on.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact FltAdml. Wolf at the
address below. Hope to see you all there!
<br>Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf
* Commander of StarBase 118
* Executive Council Magistrate
* Training Academy Commendant<br>
{{Header|green|Help Needed for UFOP: StarBase 118}}
Our group needs some helping-hands to get a few things done. If you have
the time and the motivation, we'd really appreciate volunteers. Not
everything requires experience, so anyone who's willing to help can find
something to do!
If you're interested in any of the projects below, just head to: for more information.
Don't worry: you don't have to subscribe to the boards or even get to know
them to learn more information. Just click on the name of the project, on
that page, that you want to help with to see a complete outline of the
project. If you'd rather, you can e-mail: twolf@... for more
Here's what we need help with:
1. Publicity Team: You'll help spread the word about our group far and
wide! All you need to help out here is a basic knowledge of the web, and
time to do some "footwork" on the web.
2. Amazon Team: Our Stores need upkeeping. We're looking
for folks who can scour one, or all of these websites for new Star
Trek/Sci-Fi items that interest our members. This is an easy one!
3. Intelligent Lifeforms Index Team: We have a new Intelligent Lifeforms
Index that we're hoping to get online in the next month or so. We need some
people with basic HTML skills who can help break this 100+ page document
down into manageable bits to put on our website.
4. Web Team: If you have skills in programming HTML, we need you! We'd like
to put together a team of people who are interested in designing and/or
upkeeping the websites for our ships.
5. Graphics: In conjunction with the web team, we need some folks who are
willing to create graphics to go along with the webpages.
Once again, your help is greatly appreciated! Without you, our members, we
couldn't make this group what it is today :)
IMPORTANT: If you'd like to receive only the most important updates from
UFOP, on this list, you can set yourself to "Special Notices". To do so, go
to: , and click on this list. Then look on
the right hand side, where it says "Edit my Membership". Under Message
Delivery, click the "Special Notices" radio button. Then click "Save
Changes" near the bottom. If this process isn't working for you, but you
still want to be put on "Special Notice", e-mail: twolf@...
with the e-mail address that is subscribed to this list, and tell him you'd
like to be put on "Special Notice" on the UFOP-Announce list.
<br>Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf
* Commander of StarBase 118
* Executive Council Magistrate
* Training Academy Commendant<br>
[[Category:OOC articles]]


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