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!Today I went to visit the Chief Engineer, Lt. Gwen Gardener. She appears to have been through some sort of injury, but as I have just met her and was not there at the time of the accident, I do not know what type of accident she was involved in. I truly hope that as a fellow engineer she and I will be able to understand eachother.
!Today I went to visit the Chief Engineer, Lt. Gwen Gardener. She appears to have been through some sort of injury, but as I have just met her and was not there at the time of the accident, I do not know what type of accident she was involved in. I truly hope that as a fellow engineer she and I will be able to understand eachother.
!'''Logic and Confusion'''
!(ENCRYPTED LOG) Today I experienced a sensation which shouldn't occur for another two years. I began to think of the young woman I loved on Vulcan, K'Pek, and to wish to be with her. I hope that this is only temporary. After all, the time rift may have had unusual effects on me. The symptoms will probably dissipate in a few days.
!'''A Crushed Replicator'''
!(ENCRYPTED LOG) The symptoms have gotten worse. I became ANGRY earlier and physically assaulted my personal replicator in my quarters. I do not have time to fix it, but I will as soon as possible. Maybe I should visit sickbay.
!'''Party Crasher'''
!(ENCRYPTED LOG) I cannot believe what I have just done. Last night, I declared KUN-UT-KAL-IF-FEE (The Vulcan tradition of fighting for one's mate) and I attacked Lt. Shar'Wyn Foster. Then, I kidnapped his girlfriend and took her to my quarters. We mated, and now I believe that she is pregnant. What will I tell my father? How will I ever speak to Lt. Gardener or Lt. Foster ever again? The effects have not yet completely worn off, and I still experience guilt. I have contacted the captain, and he will meet with me in sickbay. What happens next is up to him.

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