Cloudy With A Chance Of Madness (Atlantis): Difference between revisions

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From Begin Again, Cloudy With A Chance Of Madness and Journey's End
m (Merging three entries into one as mision summary)
m (From Begin Again, Cloudy With A Chance Of Madness and Journey's End)
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Following decommissioning, the crew of the USS Discovery and Starbase 118 Ops are reshuffled and reassigned to the USS Atlantis, recommissioned after nine years in the inactive fleetyard, under the command of first-time CO, Commander Raj Blueheart. The crew gets together on Deep Space 26, an abandoned Chon outpost taken over by Starfleet to establish a Federation presence in the Par’tha Expanse, the region of space Atlantis is tasked to oversee. The Expanse, being  largely uncharted, makes it an ideal sector for the Atlantis to explore and conduct scientific research, its primary objectives.  
Following decommissioning, the crew of the USS Discovery and Starbase 118 Ops are reshuffled and reassigned to the USS Atlantis, recommissioned after nine years in the inactive fleetyard, under the command of first-time CO, Commander Raj Blueheart. The crew gets together on Deep Space 26, an abandoned Chon outpost taken over by Starfleet to establish a Federation presence in the Par’tha Expanse, the region of space Atlantis is tasked to oversee. The Expanse, being  largely uncharted, makes it an ideal sector for the Atlantis to explore and conduct scientific research, its primary objectives.  



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