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without equivalent in other cultures (real and mythological plants and animals, food and drink, cultural artefacts such as garments, etc.) are still passed along unchanged by the translator. A partial list of some common elements and constructions from Catullan Standard follows.<br>
without equivalent in other cultures (real and mythological plants and animals, food and drink, cultural artefacts such as garments, etc.) are still passed along unchanged by the translator. A partial list of some common elements and constructions from Catullan Standard follows.<br>
* ''en/eyn'': Equivalent to Galactic Standard for 'er/ers' 'or/ors', indicating someone or something which performs an action or a role
* ''en/eyn'': Equivalent to Galactic Standard for 'er/ers', 'or/ors', indicating someone or something which performs an action or a role
* ''jad/jayd'': possessive (my/our)
* ''jad/jayd'': possessive (my/our)
* ''in'': adding the pronoun object 'it'
* ''in'': adding the pronoun object 'it'


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