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[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
{| id="toc" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" align="right"
! style="background:#000000;"  align="center" |<font color="yellow"> '''PNPC - Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar'''
| style="font-size: 90%" |
! style="background:#000000;"  align="center" |<font color="yellow"> '''Ensign, Darla Devitt'''
| style="font-size: 90%" |
*'''Position:''' Communications
*'''Rank:''' Ensign
*'''Gender:''' Female
*'''Race:''' Human
[[Tel-ar's PNPCs]]
=='''Character Information'''==
*'''Full Name:''' Darla Devitt
*'''Race:''' [[Terran]]
*'''DoB:''' 236308.30
*'''Age:''' 26
*'''Birthplace:''' USS Goodwill till she was 8 then moved to Earth.
*'''Gender:''' Female
* '''Telepathic status''': N/A
*Height: 5'10"
*Weight: 125 lbs
*Hair: Shoulder length wavy blonde
*Eyes: Blue
*Skin Tone: Caucasian
*Face: rounded with a lot of wrinkles
*Build: Stacked and curvy
*Identifying Marks: N/A
*Clothing (Off-Duty): Prefers casual Tellarite outfits.
*Voice: deep, gruff, verging on harsh
*Handednesss: right
*Tattoos: none
*Father: Krilma Dri Por'kus- Sanitation Engineer
*Mother: Linius Pia Por'kus - Dishwasher is a sleasy diner.
*Siblings: 8 others, 4 brothers and 4 sisters. He is the middle child.
=='''Personal Friends and Relationships'''==
*'''Marital Status'''
=='''Minor Details and Mannerisms:'''==
*'''Favorite Drink:''' Tellarite Ale.
*'''Music Tastes:''' Tellarite Tavern music.
*'''Religious Beliefs:''' none
=='''Languages spoken'''==
*Tellarite (Fluent)
*Federation standard (Fluent)
Darla is an attractive young woman with a sexy voice who likes to be flirty. Most men make the mistake of thinking she is a blonde air head. She likes to promote that image while in reality she is actually fairly smart.
Born in S'Wine, on Tellar Prime, he grew up in a large family on the poor side of town. This community was on the opposite side of the planet from the capitol and in a more industrial area with mines and factories.
*age 18 - Accepted into the Academy
*age 22 - Graduated
=='''Additional Information'''==
Created by Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar. He has been used on the [[USS Apollo]],
[[Category:Non-Playing Characters]]
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
*'''Grew up:''' [[wp:Amsterdam|Amsterdam]], [[wp:Holland|Holland]], [[wp:Earth|Earth]]
Her father Henri Devitt was an engineer in Starfleet who specialized in medical technology. He met her mother Catherine Kreirnoff who was a doctor in Starfleet while serveing aboard the USS Goodwill an emergency medical response vessel. Even thou he was not an officer they fell in love and were married. Her parents have both retired from starfleet and now live on Earth. This happened when she was 8 years old.
Darla was the youngest of 7 children. All 6 of her older brothers and sisters are also in starfleet.
*Edward Devitt, age 32, Lt. Commander on the USS Spartan.
*Abigail Montclair, age 29, Lt.  on the USS Potemkin.
*Dirk Devitt, age 27, Lt. on the USS Vallaran.
*Gunn Devitt, age 25, Lt. jg. on the USS Nova.
*Hanna Zefrim, age 23, Chief Petty Officer on the USS Pilgrim.
*Johann Devitt, age 23, Sgt in the Marines.
*Darla Devitt, age 22, Captain's Yoeman on the USS Eagle
She was a popular girl in school with a number of friends. The same can be said of her 2 years at the Academy. As for her time with in Starfleet she has always been popular with her fellow crew members.
She started dateing Lt. jg [[Birks, Jared|Jared Birks]] shortly after he was posted to the USS Eagle.
==Medical History==
===Pre-Starfleet Medical Records===
She had the regular child hood ailments.
===Starfleet Medical Records===
She has been fairly healthy so far.
===Physiological Profile===
She tested well, with no phobias or other mental issues. She also deals well with stress.
==Professional History==
===Academy Record===
She placed in the top third of her class.
===Qualifications and Specialties===
Fully qualified in operations and resource management.
===Previous Assignments===
*Age 18 - Enlisted in Starfleet
*Age 20 - Graduated from Starfleet and posted to the [[USS Constitution-B]]
*Age 22 - Transfered to the [[USS Eagle]] and promoted to Petty Officer.
===Awards and Commendations===
She enjoys exploreing the natural wonders of any world that she can. Other than that she will spend her time on the holodeck trying out various difficult ski locations.
She was a competative swimmer and down hill skier while a teenager. She has maintained her skill level when ever she could get the time to train and practice.
She loves romance novels and also has a great love for travel books that stress the natural beauty of various worlds and locations.
She loves trying new things but her favourite foods are still simple french, dutch dish's.
==Darla's Life==
Darla was a good student who also enjoyed competative skiing in the winter and swimming in the summer. She was also a contestant for Miss Teen Europe when she was 16 but was easily defeated.
She is currently room mates with [[Bravis, Anora|Anora Bravis]].


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