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! style="background:#000000;"  align="center" |<font color="yellow"> '''PNPC - Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar'''
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! style="background:#000000;"  align="center" |<font color="yellow"> '''Ensign, Darla Devitt'''
| style="font-size: 90%" |
*'''Position:''' Communications
*'''Rank:''' Ensign
*'''Gender:''' Female
*'''Race:''' Human
[[Tel-ar's PNPCs]]
=='''Character Information'''==
*'''Full Name:''' Darla Devitt
*'''Race:''' [[Terran]]
*'''DoB:''' 236308.30
*'''Age:''' 26
*'''Gender:''' Female
* '''Telepathic status''': N/A
*Height: 5'6"
*Weight: 245 lbs
*Hair: reddish brown shoulder length hair
*Beard: full, long reddish brown beard
*Eyes: dark brown
*Skin Tone: caucasian
*Face: rounded with a lot of wrinkles
*Build: stocky, verging on overweight
*Identifying Marks: N/A
*Clothing (Off-Duty): Prefers casual Tellarite outfits.
*Voice: deep, gruff, verging on harsh
*Handednesss: right
*Tattoos: none
*Father: Krilma Dri Por'kus- Sanitation Engineer
*Mother: Linius Pia Por'kus - Dishwasher is a sleasy diner.
*Siblings: 8 others, 4 brothers and 4 sisters. He is the middle child.
=='''Personal Friends and Relationships'''==
*'''Marital Status'''
=='''Minor Details and Mannerisms:'''==
*'''Favorite Drink:''' Tellarite Ale.
*'''Music Tastes:''' Tellarite Tavern music.
*'''Religious Beliefs:''' none
=='''Languages spoken'''==
*Tellarite (Fluent)
*Federation standard (Fluent)
Juris Kov Por'kus is a grumpy, pudgy, slob who likes to eat and drink. He is a good worker and an excellent engineer but due to his attitude he has been passed over for promotion a few times.
Born in S'Wine, on Tellar Prime, he grew up in a large family on the poor side of town. This community was on the opposite side of the planet from the capitol and in a more industrial area with mines and factories.
*age 18 - Accepted into the Academy
*age 22 - Graduated
=='''Additional Information'''==
Created by Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar. He has been used on the [[USS Apollo]],
[[Category:Non-Playing Characters]]
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]



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