Klingon Invasion of 2389: Difference between revisions

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Tasked by Starfleet HQ to monitor activity along the Federation/[[Klingon]] border, the [[USS Avandar]] took up station to try and keep an eye on KDF activity in the area during their conflict with the [[Romulan]] Empire. That patrol didn't last long, however, before they received a general distress call from the [[USS Drake]] – which was under attack ''inside'' Federation space.
Arriving on-scene at high warp, the Avandar was able to make enough of an impact to drive the attacking Klingon ship away, though both Starfleet ships were left with the problem of what to do about Gateway Station – the neutral facility the Drake was visiting as part of it's mission to get a ancient sensor network online, and now had weapons locked on both ships.
The situation deteriorated rapidly, with attempts to negotiate a peaceful reduction in tensions interrupted on a number of fronts: Klingon covert operatives on the station staging an attack, the KDF ship from earlier returning with reinforcements, and mines laid by the Klingons during their withdrawal decloaking and attacking anything in the area without a KDF transponder.
As an away team from the Drake attempted to secure the station and the artifact they were after, the Avandar, assisted by fighters from Gateway, concentrated on clearing the area of mines, leaving the Drake to concentrate on the approaching ships. The Avandar's efforts were only partly successful, though they did mean that Gateway Station was only severely damaged instead of destroyed utterly – the fact that cloaked shuttles had managed to breach the shields of both the Avandar and the Drake
to deliver boarding parties, leading to internal fighting aboard, certainly didn't help.
When yet more KDF ships arrived, the situation began looking grim indeed, but they were in fact the biggest surprise of the day. Instead of joining the attack on the station and Starfleet ships, the new arrivals immediately engaged the other Klingon vessels, destroying several before anyone on either side could do anything to react to their presence.
With the artifact secured and the attacking forces thoroughly distracted – and a terse message from the newcomers that Starfleet would be better off leaving the Empire to deal with it's own internal politics, the Avandar joined the Drake in evacuating as many civilians as possible from the crippled Gateway Station and dealing with their own uninvited guests. With casualties sustained among their crews, at least one major hull breach each, and every spare cubic meter filled with injured and frightened civilians, the two ships took the opportunity to get clear...
Through the reasons for the Klingon attack remain unclear, valuable intelligence data on a potential new threat – the cloaked boarding pods – was obtained, as well as a step toward a new sensor network that would be able to provide high definition observation of the border area, and the conflict was prevented from spreading any further into Federation space.
Scant consolation, perhaps, for those that had lost their homes on Gateway Station, and lost their lives in the fighting on and around it, but the efforts of the Avandar and Drake's crews kept things from getting far, ''far'' worse.



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