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   image = [[Image:Gorn.jpg]]|
   image = [[Image:Gorn.jpg]]|
   fedstatus = Allied|
   fedstatus = Nuetral|
   4letter = GORN|
   4letter = GORN|
   origin = Tau Lacertae III, in the Mutara Sector (Ghdar I)|
   origin = Ghdar I|
   encountered = [[ma:TOS|TOS]]: ''[[ma:Arena|Arena]]'', [[ma:TAS|TAS]]: ''[[ma:Time-Trap|Time-Trap]]'', [[ma:ENT|ENT]]: ''[[ma:In a Mirror Darkly|In a Mirror Darkly, Part II]]''|
   encountered = [[ma:TOS|TOS]]: ''[[ma:Arena|Arena]]'', [[ma:TAS|TAS]]: ''[[ma:Time-Trap|Time-Trap]]'', [[ma:ENT|ENT]]: ''[[ma:In a Mirror Darkly|In a Mirror Darkly, Part II]]''|
   techlevel = N+|
   techlevel = N+|
The '''[[ma:Gorn|Gorn]]''' are an intelligent, bipedal, reptilian species who fought with [[ma:Captain|Captain]] [[ma:James T. Kirk|Kirk]] on stardate 3045.6 under the assumption that the [[ma:UFP|Federation]] was threatening the Gorn claim to the planet [[ma:Cestus III|Cestus III]]. The Gorn have their own political alliance, called the [[ma:Gorn Hegemony|Gorn Hegemony]], and claim eight star systems throughout three sectors. The Gorn are usually over two meters tall with rough leathery skin and a hard multifaceted shell over their eyes. The Gorn have large claws on their hands and feet, and are unable to speak most [[ma:Humanoid|humanoid]] languages, requiring translators to communicate with most other [[ma:Lifeform|lifeforms]].

==For Canon Information, See Also==
The Gorn are an intelligent, bipedal, reptilian species who was first encountered at Tau Lacerte III by the USS Enterprise. The Gorn control twelve systems in the Ithassa Region and defend them with extreme prejudice if they feel they are being invaded. For many years until the War of 2383, the Gorn held a strong treaty with the Federation.
* [[wp:Gorn|Gorn]] on [[wp:Main Page|Wikpedia]]
* [[ma:Gorn|Gorn]] on [[ma:Main Page|Memory-Alpha]]

==UFoP:SB 118 Specific Information==
Now, the Gorn are mistrusted like other species that have attacked the Federation.

* '''Proper Name''': Gorn
* '''Pronunciation''': Gh'orn
==Home System==
* '''Quadrant''': Beta
* '''Location''': [[Ithassa Region]]
* '''Proper Name''': Ghdar I
* '''Pronunciation''': Gh'Dar One
* '''Star''': MV
* '''Distance from Star''': 5,819,409km
* '''Companions''': 6 other planets in the system.
==Home World==
* '''Proper Name''': Ghdar (Also referred to as Ss'varnon)
* '''Pronunciation''': Gh'dar (S'var'non)
* '''Diameter''': 14,756km
* '''Gravity''': 1.2 (Earth = 1)
* '''Axial Tilt''':  23.4
* '''Orbital Period''':  8 days
* '''Rotational Period''': 369 days
```* '''Classification''': M
** '''Surface Water''': 40%
** '''Atmosphere''':  79% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, and 1% other gases.
** '''Climate''': Tri-Biome. Mostly Desert near the equator, Jungle north and south, the poles being cool forest with Snow.
** '''Population''': 12 million

Home System
The Gorns tell their history through oral recitation and few written texts until recently.

    Quadrant: Alpha
=== Pre-History===
    Location:  Buffered by Klingon and Federation Space. Star base 82 is the closest Federation starbase. Cestus III has been formally given to the Federation.  The Mutara Nebula is not far removed from Gorn Space.
    Proper Name:  Festura
    Pronunciation:  Fest-ur
    Stars:  Festeur IV
    Distance from Star: 0.71AU (101,726,640 km)

Home World
The Gorn evolved on their primary world of Ghdar I and even as they lived in caves and began forming their settlements, the Gorn have always been methodical in expansion. Their use of sub-light drives to spread was a feat for the species of their sector.

    Proper Name:  S'sgarnon
===Gorn Exploration===
    Diameter: 12,546 km 
    Gravity: 1.4 standard gravity with a density of 5.9
    Axial Tilt: 10%, minor seasonal effects (less than Earth)
    Orbital Period: 378.25  days 
    Rotational Period: 34 earth hours
    Classification: M
        Surface Water: 53%
        Atmosphere: 1.93 is a standard pressure with 79% nitrogen, 20.5% oxygen, 0.5% industrial pollutants
        Climate: Tropical, and sub tropical lands.
        Population: 800 million

At the advent of warp drive, the Gorn began to spread across the Ithassa Region in search of rich worlds to colonize. This is when they were forced in to conflicts with neighboring powers and showed their impressive combat skills.

The government of the worlds controlled by the reptilian race known as the Gorn is called the Alliance. There is a small government clan that actually keeps the three other clans in line.
After reaching the present day borders, the Gorn stopped, satisfied with what they had, but not interested in the price to expand farther. The last final major conflict the Gorn faced was in 2267 when the Federation stumbled upon their outer world of Cestus III they had yet to colonize.  

The Gorn evolved on the planet S'sgarnon, a temperate, warm Class M planet with a local gravity of 1.1 Standard  G. The Gorn have their own political alliance, called the Gorn Hegemony, they claim sovereignty over  eight star systems throughout three sectors.
Feeling threatened and with prompting from

There are three main clans, Military, Science and the Service Clans. They have battled on and off for hundreds of years. With the discovery of  Warp technology  by science  a major clan war ensued for 20 years for control of the new technology. The society had a almost complete breakdown  coming  close to totally anarchy. There was a massive population decrease to a point were finally cooler egos prevailed. There was a summit between the clans; finally a decision was reached to create a new clan to prove peace and permanent leadership class. The government clan was created to rule and in turn the clans pledged total allegiance to the  Hegemony.  That happened some 200 years ago. 
=== The War of Brothers===

Also known as the [[Gorn Conflict of 2383]], The remnants of the Gorn Confederation faced the political strength of the new Gorn Alliance. When the Gorn Conflict started with the invasion of the Federation, half of the Gorn Space Navy refused to fight and began a civil war between them. By the end of 2383, the Confederation remnant was defeated.

The Gorn Alliance is controlled by a small ruling clan, one who represents the Gorn home world and the colonies. The advisory Council  is made up Three Gorns, one from each caste. Each Gorn member  serving a single term of 7 years.  The Autarch (leader ) comes from the very small but powerful ruling clan is the dictatorial leader of the Hegemony . Before the ruling clan, there was little coordination of resources and technology.  The Gorn society and military power increased exponentially for almost 150 years after the peace was established between the clans. While the Autarch is the absolute leader  they still are very small and must keep the peace with the different clans.  The Government clan is regulated by  maximum number, by the peace treaty.
=== The New Status Quo===

With the trust between the Federation and the Hegemony broken, the Gorn are now tolerated as belligerant. With the Hegemony licking their wounds, the Gorn now bide their time in their own borders with their intent not being known.


The Gorn are usually over two meters tall with tough leathery skin and a hard multifaceted shell over their eyes. The Gorn have large claws on their hands and feet, and are unable to speak most humanoid languages, requiring translators to communicate with most other lifeforms. Gorn are a cold-blooded, reptilian species with green, rubbery skin, red blood and an average height of approximately two meters. They tend to be many times stronger than most humanoids, albeit slower and less agile but with greater stamina and, like most cold-blooded species, prefer warmer temperatures.
The Gorn government has gone through a few transitions. For many years, the Gorn Confederation existed as a conglomerate of planets with a common purpose. Until the collapse of the Confederation by the Alliance, The Gorn Alliance was formed.

The Gorn Hegemony has been a termed applied to them for years and has been accepted as a name to describe them.

The Gorn have developed into a bipedal reptile that stands on two feet. Both the male and female  of the species average about 6’ 4” and around 250 - 300 pounds in weight. As with most reptiles it is difficult to distinguish between the two species if they are clothed. They have a thick almost rubber like skin. The head is large with large almost insect like eyes and a large mouth with large teeth for tearing flesh.  Powerful bodies, they are a bit on the slow side and not an agile as a human being. But for sheer physical strength they would be on par with a vulcan.  Their eyesight is a bit weaker. A gorn and survive for long periods of time. Their vision underwater is excellent.  Gorn have an excellent sense of smell.  Their hearing is average  only 20 – 17,000 hertz.  They are carnivores and almost all vegetation grown is only for breeding of the other animals on the planet.
The Gorn are an impressive race of lizards that can stand from between 6 to 8 feet in height. With no hair, scales of varying hues of green and brown, their only distinctive between their stocks, is either being a silver eyed Gorn or a gold eye.

The Gorn are imposing in size weighing around 200 to 400 pounds, they are immensely strong though their lack of speed only allows them to run extremely short distances.

The Gorn, a strong, hardy race of fierce warriors, developed a culture that stresses strength, courage, and the natural dominance of the fittest in all matters of life.
Hairless and tough, their hands are clawed and they usually do not wear shoes unless part of a combat armor.  

Gorns have also lost their vestigial tails and resemble humanoids more than their reptilian ancestors.

The Gorns have no religion or deity. They do adhere to the motto “The Strong will survive, the weak must die.”

The Gorn have developed into a bipedal reptile that stands on two feet. Both the male and female of the species average about 6’ 4” and around 250 - 300 pounds in weight. As with most reptiles it is difficult to distinguish between the two species if they are clothed. They have a thick almost rubber like skin. The head is large with large almost insect like eyes and a large mouth with large teeth for tearing flesh. Powerful bodies, they are a bit on the slow side and not an agile as a human being. But for sheer physical strength they would be on par with a vulcan.

Gorn legend states that the reptiles left the water and came upon the land. There they became strong.
Their eyesight is a bit weaker. A gorn and survive for long periods of time. Their vision underwater is excellent.  

Gorn have an excellent sense of smell. Their hearing is average only 20 – 17,000 hertz. Though preferring to be carnivorous, Gorns are able to eat vegetables with great disdain.

The Gorn have developed a three clan system, military, scientific and services. When a Gorn child comes of age (after primary School) they may leave its clan to give their allegiance to the clan of its choice. It is rare for a Gorn to leave its original clan. It is even rarer for one to be accepted in a new clan. The entire social structure is based on the clan.
Gorns only need 6 to 8 hours of sleep and naturally stay awake for up to 32 hours.


Gorns have children to keep the race going.  To most terrans, their methods are cruel and inhuman. But to the Gorns they only want the strong to reach age of maturity and reproduce. Gorns take various mates to continue to have good blood lines.  To have a strong DNA line, is required before mating that family trees are examined and only those with no close  common DNA are allowed to breed.    There is no marriage in the terran sense of the word. Gorns breed with various mates during an established  breeding cycle.  Each Clan has nurseries and schools that raise the children. From an early age they via for position and power among themselves. Attrition rate is normally some 50 percent to that age of maturity when such combat is curtained for the most part. There is still some animosity between the clans.  Small feuds continue to erupt from time to time.  There is absolute equality in the society between male and female Gorn.  A Gorn would never consider breeding outside of its clan.
The Gorn psychology is a strong sense of duty and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the completion of their culture or personally perceived duty. Gorns are highly loyal once their trust is earned and betrayal is considered the worse crime imaginable.
There a vast number of minor clans in the Society. Most provide specialized functions in the society. They are limited to number of members. The ruling council limits the number of members in each clan. There is an agreement between the three clans to make sure that will remain the major clans of the society.
The culture is based on the motto “the strong shall survive”. If a Gorn reaches the age of Maturity he increases his odds greatly to survive to old age.
The Gorns are divided into clans. The three major castes are the Military, Science and the Service clans. There are several minor clans.  The military is the largest.  But the level of fatal competition keeps the census on par with the rest of the other major clans Infighting within the clan is common, the military clan has the greatest number of fatalities.  Serious weakness are not tolerated in the culture.  It is most prevalent up to the age of 18 years of age. Then there is a much lower rate of infighting after the age of maturity, then clan members are assigned positions or employment in the society.  There is no crime called murder within a clan.  Such a challenge is always done within certain norms.  To do so outside of the clans rules would be considered as traitorous, and the offending member would be considered “weak” for doing so.  A death penalty would  then apply.  The crime of murder only occurs from clan member  to other  clan member. But it is very rare. Since one can only move up in stature in one’s own clan.
Each clan maintains its own support, education and somewhat weak health care system.  While it is a very cruel society, survival of the fittest is the law of the culture. The planet’s food resources would not be able to support any large population increase.
The Gorn continue to fight within each clan for domination in the clan. A Gorn must always be ready to defend themselves from younger Gorn wishing their position. Only at the senior age of maturity - 67 years of age,  can a Gorn actually retire and is treated as a senior (elder). Few ever achieve this rank or age. At this point they are can serve on the Council. Also at this age, a Gorn is considered immune from challenges from  underlings.


Gorn Technology is on par  with most Federation technology. Only in some of the medical arts is it behind Federation standards.
Gorn technology is not as advanced as the federation, but is considered more reliable. The majority of their technology is designed to last. Because of their size, Gorn ships, transporters, and other personal pieces are larger than human.

LCARS type technology did not become a main ability until 2380 following the [[Gorn/Military#Space Navy|New Era starships]].

Always attempting to be self reliant, the Gorn have a very small economy that supplies enough for their own people in the hegemony, but also enough to bring currency in to their worlds.  
The Gorn Alliance  is based on a command economy. The Hegemony sets the value for most major transactions.  The barter system is still in place for minor transactions, a small trade clan negotiates between the major clans.    The  Hegemony deals with trades with other races. All dealings with other races must be sanctioned by the Alliance.

The primary export has bee ore and precious metals because of the many hot and dry worlds they love to call home.


The Alliance maintains a Space Fleet to maintain sovereignty over the Alliance territory. The Military clan preforms all functions dealing with the defense of the Hegemony.
The Gorn military though not as advanced as Star Fleet have an impressive ground force. When in space, the battles are usually hard to win, ground forces usually complete the opposite.  

=== Ship Weapons ===

The Gorns maintain a large standing army. They are always military exercises of all types.  But all in the various clans  are considered as ‘reserves’ to the day that they die. A small cadre of officers prepare for any invasion.  If called upon, the Gorn can form a vast huge army in the matter of days. The Gorn space fleet while certainly smaller in number that the Federation They are on par with Star Fleet vessels.
The Gorn Hegemony have spent most of their existence utilizing the Plasma Torpedo like the early Romulan Empire. These massive balls of plasma consumed much power, but their damage was impressive.  

Later the Gorns experimented with Photon Torpedoes when they were allied with the Federation and later disruptors purchased from the Klingons.

Gorn military vessels very rarely venture outside of established Gorn controlled space. They respect others territory, and expect that others will respect their territory. Any intrusion in Gorn territorial limits may be slow to be dealt with, but they will strike at time of their choosing. With speed and cunning.
==Federation Intelligence Files==

==Federation Intelligence Files==
* Memory Alpha
* Memory Beta
* The Gorn Confederation
* Star Fleet Battles
* Star Trek: Star Fleet Command I & II
* Star Trek TOS: Arena
* Star Trek: A mirror Darkly Pt. II


[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
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[[Category:Gorns| ]]
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