User:Stevecox/Zev, Raylon: Difference between revisions

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Introductory text goes here. For example: Ensign '''Joe Bloggs''', a Terran, is currently the chief science officer aboard the [[USS Independence]].
Cadet Raylon Zev is a Fourth Year Cadet, currently aboard the training vessel, USS Centris.

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* '''Voice''': Generally calm, Can be authoritative when needed.
* '''Voice''': Generally calm, Can be authoritative when needed.
* '''Handedness''': Left
* '''Handedness''': Left
* '''Quarters''': Shared, Cadet Dorm
* '''Favorite Room''': Common Room
* '''Mannerisms''': Confident, outgoing and friendly
* '''Religion/Spiritual Devotion''': The Prophets
* '''Hobbies and Pastimes''': Playing the belaklavion
* '''Likes''': Music
* '''Dislikes''': Being isolated or alone
* '''Ambitions and Goals''': Graduate from the Academy and, eventually, Command
* '''Temperment''': Confident, friendly, and loyal.
* '''Mental problems (complexes and phobias)''': None major. Confidence occasionally boders on arrogance.
* '''Physical Limitations''': None of significance



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