SIM:Satscher: Together again...

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((USS Challenger-A: Shuttlebay ))

Satscher: Oh, Marcus...

:: Marcus turned and for a moment Vojana thought he don’t actually see her, but of a sudden he started walking towards her. Arriving where she was, and as she started to walk towards him, he speeded up the last steps and embraced her. ::

Dickens: Oh, Vojana.. how long it's been without you. You're real, and are here, are you?

Satscher: :: Her throat was sore and emotions were raging. It was hard to think less talk, she was barely able to squeeze a word. :: Ye-es..  :: She hugged him hard still unable to believe it really is him and here, holding her. ::

Dickens: Suddenly you disappeared, I asked the computer to locate you while I was on Ambrosia and was granted communication, but you're not there anymore. I didn't know what's been of you. What's that you're here?

Satscher: I came to seek you, but was denied access to Ambrosia Science Station, they forbid me to see you, to even tell you...

Dickens: Stay calm, you're shaking...

::And Vojana was shaking. She was tired and hungry and now when all the pressure of waiting, wanting, hoping ceased, now all the strength holding her together vanished, too... and she was like a leaf on the strong wind, far too drained to fight it. ::

Satscher: I know. This all was just...

Dickens: :: A crewman called him :: Wait a moment please. Vojana, tell me that you're not going again far from me.

Satscher: Never, never my love. Just you don’t leave me ever again...

Dickens: I'll not leave you, I'm remaining here. :: Looking at the man next to them :: And you are?

Avae: I’m her... oO Someone in trouble, did Dr. Reid had chance to talk to you, Mr. Fiancée? Oo ...oh just innocent bystander. A friend. :: beat :: I’m Aanyr.

Dickens: A pleasure... Please take care of her while I'm out. Oh, by the way, later you'll tell me about this... therapy or surgery I've heard. Are you sure you're all right?

Satscher: I am, now I am... oh don’t worry, everything will be fine. Go, I don’t want you to get in trouble on a first mission because of me.

Dickens: Ok, but the minute I come back I'm going to see you.... what makes me think... where are your quarters?

Satscher: I’m in 0311, guest quarters on deck 03. :: Aanyr gave her a hand to help her walk. :: Take care, my love...

Dickens: Dickens: I will...

:: One last embrace and Marcus went to the shuttle. Marcus started checking the sensors and the science equipment and give the clear to the officer that was directing the launch of the IRWIN. Turbolift arrived and Vojana and Aanyr entered it. Vojana was watching doors closing leaning to keep Marcus in sight till the last possible moment, and when the doors closed she just collapsed to the floor unable to keep up any more... all the pressure was just too much for her battered body and soul. Aanyr looked at her and sighed. ::

oO If I take you to infirmary that’s where you’ll wait for “him”! But after all that may be the best for you? Oo

:: Torn between duty and what may grow into a friendship he decided for duty. ::

Avae: Deck seven. :: He gently grabbed her and when turbolift stopped on deck seven carried her into infirmary. ::

Nurse: What happened, put her here.

Avae: She’s not eating right, not sleeping right.. Dr. Reid knows the case. Just let her rest now and until get perfect readings don’t let her leave. As a doctor she did that to herself, so feel free to give her a “special” treatment.

Nurse: With pleasure. :: wink ::

PNPC Amime Aanyr Avae - Medical Officer/Massage therapist


PNPC Vojana Minerva Satscher - Civilian

as simmed by

Ensign Mailea Labria

USS Challenger NCC-12886-A