SIM:Lt Alana Devar: Truth Told
((Holding Cells: Station 2743))
::Alana watched with surprise as Veronica Sumners left… to speak with the cyborg, no doubt. The woman had ignored her plea. It wasn't like it mattered anyway; it was hard trying to convince someone, especially when his or her mind was set in a particular fashion. She just sighed to herself and slumped to the floor, picking at random waves of silky dark brown hair that fell in her face. Devar was beat. Not only had this little endeavor been mentally challenged, but also physically trying. Idly, her fingers reached to the back of her head where rested a few stitches. Her wound was still sore and it ached, but other than that she felt fine… fine as one could be expected to feel in a situation like this, that is.::
Devyn: I know what you're thinking…
::His voice interrupted her thoughts. Looking over to him, Alana pursed her lips as he continued.::
Devyn: Who am I really…
Devar: I've asked you before, but you've always given me ambiguous answers. I especially like the one, `I'm your father in everyway it counts.'
::She paused, looking at him, her mind racing back to Carmen. She hoped she was doing fine. No matter how limited her abilities were, they were still surfacing in a positive way. It delighted a certain awakening in Devar. She could `feel' Carmen out there… no matter how insignificant the trace was, her mind still felt her half-sister. It was enough to get her through this ordeal for now.::
Devar: …I can't help but think, though…
::Saddened words tapered off as she held back a surfacing sob. This man had saved her countless times… so she thought… while she was in this realm. However, something deep inside told her to not trust him. To Alana, Ambassador Devyn Devar, along with her mother and siblings, were killed along the Neutral Zone line, close within the proximity of Yadalla Prime borders in the Taugus sector. She had lived with that fact and conclusion for nearly a decade. For this to come about, and now of all things, was definitely hard to swallow. A chill overcame her as he spoke again…::
Devyn: Devyn Devar… my mirror… was indeed killed around five years ago. Let me explain. This rift in spacetime has been ever growing for nearly a decade now. Since Terran Resistance discovered it with mediocre technology, that was before Sumners overtook the Station, your father was brought here through ingenious methods. They desired his help against the Alliance stronghold…
::Alana looked off blankly and whispered.::
Devar: That raises more questions than answers… how does that explain the biosignatures found within the rubble of my father's ship? It was decimated. My siblings, my mother… where are they?
::Devyn looked to her and sighed, kneeling by the stasis of the cell.::
Devyn: Your family did not make transport. Evidentially, their biosigns were lost within `transport.' The phasing of the universes crushed your father's ship, along with your family, upon impact. Reality was not kind to them. I wouldn't doubt the Romulan ships that came in to the aid of the Alliance fired their demise either.
::His words reawakening a welling within Alana. She just listened in silent melancholy as he continued.::
Devyn: The Alliance found out fast and was on the scene. The Terrans were resourceful enough to obtain the services of your father… he was pretty influential, until he crossed paths with the wrong people. He was imprisoned with me… suffering the same torment as I would from Lor Gulok… that is how I know who you are and who he is.
Devar: How did he die?
Devyn: He tried to escape and was killed by the Alliance agencies. He had heard a rumor that your brother Galwyn was transported to the mirror universe as well, but the Terran's had commented they had lost his signal. But, so many things I can't explain to you, little one… things I don't know myself. I am sorry…
Devar: Galwyn…
Devyn: I don't know.
::She thought a moment, allowing all the information to soak in. It was like an already wetted sponge trying to drink more water, to only have the liquid pool around its shape. However, Alana asked anyway…::
Devar: How did you know I was here… why did you help me…
Devyn: Your father… my mirror self… was intriguing. He spoke highly of you and Carmen. All your family, as a matter of fact. I sensed you were here, and I took the opportunity to free myself. I wanted to help. In a universe like this you need all the hope you can get. There had been numerous accounts were various members of your universe has been taken into our own… but, their whereabouts are always kept within secrecy. I wouldn't doubt there's more here than you think.
::Alana thought of Ambassador Kalany before guards strode in and took her away. She caught the glimpse of her mirror father's eyes. At least there was some sort of consolation for her grief these past years… It wasn't the Romulans… however, for some strange reason, this recent revelation arose more questions than consoling answers.::
((Mini Time Warp: Interrogation Chamber 1))
::Being prodded into the room, Alana caught the dark eyes of the mechanical man and winced a bit. His mind was afire with certain things… emotions rung heavily from him, although they were diluted to his own sensory perceptions, Devar gathered.::
Kirov: Leave us.....You may not have the stomach for such affairs
::The two guards nodded and left. Watching the man attentively, Alana became curious… what was it…::
Kirov: Know this before I start. I do not want to hurt you. If you tell me where the chip is I will take you to freedom.
::He extended his hand as some sort of peace offering. Being cautious, Alana just looked at it. She was amazed to see it composed perfectly of flesh and wires; it was certainly fascinating, but the young Betazoid was afraid to get too close to the man. Quickly, he retracted his hand… Alana was curious as to why.::
Devar: You're body…
::Words trailed as he spoke almost sorrowfullly.::
Kirov: Yes I am a monster....
::A holo-image flowed from a device on his shoulder to the wall. Looking back, Alana noted the image of the Johnathon Kirov she knew on the wall. He was dressed in civilian clothing, his dark hair combed in almost the exact same fashion. It took away all words that wished to fall from her lips as he spoke once more.::
Kirov: This is what I'd look like now.....if it weren't for my past.
::She felt remorse and sympathy. Feeling pain escape through the man, Alana said kindly, her voice soft and polite.::
Devar: I can only imagine. This is a cruel world. Trust me when I say I can practically feel the pain.
Kirov: Something about you has intrigued me.....I need to help you get away from this and back to where you came from. This reality is no place for one of such innocence.
::Innocence? He thought her innocent? Perhaps to the eyes of the mirror men, she was a different breed from what they encountered before. Her eyes lifted from the image plastered to the wall and into the eyes of the mechanical being standing before her. Hunter Kirov's stance was neither threatening nor intimidating. It confirmed of what she was sensing… It was brewing even hotter now, more potent and extreme than before. His eyes seemed to be riddled with anguish, but she couldn't confirm it.::
Devar: What about me has intrigued you so?
::She watched his facial expression as he answered.::
Kirov: Response?
::Approaching him, she laid a hand on his shoulder and smiled. It was a warm smile; kind and reassuring. It was one of those smiles Alana would give her patients when under emotional distress. It wasn't like this man… the man she `knew', but didn't know… if that made any sense… was distressed in anyway, but she felt like he was aching for a piece of his humanity that was stolen from him. Her body seemed smaller compared to his six-foot plus frame; with the mechanical components added, to her he seemed bulkier. John himself was a well-built man, although not robust or overweight.::
Devar: I will do anything to help you if you help me. I know the man that shares your name from the other side. He is a good man… with a beautiful wife and children on the way.
Kirov: Response?
Devar: He is very happy… and I don't see why you can't be either. I do not know where this chip you speak of is, but I will help you acquire it. What details did Sumners give you of its existence?
Kirov: Response?
::She frowned silently.::
((Tag, Kirov! ;-p))
Lt. Alana Devar
Second Officer
USS Independence
Currently Missing, On Reassignment