SIM:Ensign Sasak & Lt JG Virgo - Personal Matters
The events in this SIM occurred on stardate 238612.01 ((Candar and Sasak's Quarters, USS Tiger)) ::After finishing his meal, Sasak had returned to his quarters to attend to certain items of personal interest -- medical continuing education/research, the reading of ancient Vulcan texts, and, of course, meditation before he went to bed.:: ::While in the middle of his work, Sasak’s desktop monitor began to beep. Sasak tapped the button at the base of the monitor. Sakara Virgo's face replaced "Incoming Message" on the screen.:: Sasak: Greetings. Virgo: ::looking at the image of the Vulcan male.:: Sasak!! ::smiling brightly she waved.:: Gosh, it's good to see you, my friend. Sasak: It is agreeable to see you again. ::beat:: Has anything of interest occurred on your vessel? Virgo: We've been through a lot on the USS Constitution. The last mission was a bit harsh on us all. ::beat:: Oh I've been made Chief Medical Officer here. The Klingon Doctor didn't make it from the last mission. I was his assistant and so....I was made CMO by default I suppose. Never heard of an ensign being a CMO but, yeah. Oh some more good news is that I've been upranked to Lt jg. How is your career going? ::Sasak had noticed the extra pip on his colleague’s collar.:: Sasak: I have been promoted to assistant chief medical officer here on the Tiger. ::beat:: Have there been any medical cases of interest on the Constitution-B? Virgo: There is an issue that is very troubling. But I'm trying this treatment on this patient but I'm not sure how it will turn out. It hasn't been tested. ::Intrigued, Sasak rose an eyebrow.:: Sasak: Could you elaborate? Virgo: Well, the case is that a patient of another doctor that was here, was introduced with medical nanites. While the nanites did their job, they were not extracted at the right time. Now they have taken over his body displaying metal as if he were Borg. This is very trying for the patient and he had been through a lot. Many doctors have tried their tricks to get him well but nothing has helped. I'm trying a radical natural way, diet and Zinc Oxide. A dramatic change to a healthy diet for a long period of time and elevating the enzyme that will force the nanties to leave his body through waste. I figure if his body tells the nanties that he's healthy and are not needed, they will naturally leave his system, right? Sasak: It is possible that this line of treatment could end in a favorable outcome. Virgo: I can't think of anything other than this. Everything else will put the nanites on alert or escalate the situation. Sasak: Indeed. ::beat:: If your current approach fails, you could enlist the help of an engineer or scientist to reprogram the nanites to self-destruct; however, this would be an extremely tedious and lengthy procedure. Virgo: I'll try that. That's a very good suggestion. Thanks. Sasak: There is no need for an expression of gratitude. Virgo: It's good to see you. You're looking good. I still remember that final exam. ::laughs:: It was almost like we worked together for years. ::combadge chirps:: Oh I have to take that. Next time you are on shore leave, give me a buzz. Sasak: Indeed. Virgo: Virgo out. ::LtJG Virgo’s face was immediately replaced by the seal of the Federation and the words “End Message.”:: ::Not long after this, Sasak’s combadge chirped as well.:: Thelev: =/\= Lieutenant Commander Thelev to all senior staff. Please make your way to Briefing Room 1 in thirty minutes. =/\= ::Sasak waited for an appropriate time at which to cease what he was currently engaged in and then grabbed a large PADD before leaving his quarters for the conference room.::
CMO USS Constitution |