Revok Damaer
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Revok Damaer is currently Gul aboard the Tiberius Nor.
- Full Name: Revok Ziulus Damaer
- Current Rank: Gul
- Race: Cardassian
- Date of Birth: 233107.12
- Place of Birth: Cardassia Prime
- Gender: Male
- Height: 6 feet 1 inch
- Weight: 192 pounds
- Hair Color: Black
- Eye Color: Blue
- Spouse: Korinas Damaer
- Children
- Son: Korant Revok Damaer
- Daughter: Dranzer Korinas Damaer (see Damaer, Dranzer)
- Parents
- Father: Jarsik Damaer
- Mother: Zaylis Damaer
- 233107.12: Revok was born, the only son to Jarsik and Zaylis.
- 235007.31: Revok graduates from the Cardassian schooling system near the top of his class. His results indicate he is perfectly suited to a military career, or training with the Obsidian Order, he chooses the military.
- 2350-2362: Serves with his father on board the Setlek. While here he shows a particular ability to interpret the actions of his enemies and counter them. This made the Setlek one of the most dangerous ships on the Cardassian-Klingon border, something which did not go un-noticed.
- 2363-2369: Ravok is recalled to Cardassia Prime and put in charge of teaching the commanders of Galor class warships his skills. It is not a job he enjoys - he believes that anything they don't know instinctively shouldn't be taught to them - but this is a time of war and he follows his orders. It is during this time that he fathers his two children.
- 2370-2382: Following the changing circumstances between the Cardassians, Bajorans and Federation, Revok is allowed to return to space, and the front line. He is drafted aboard the Tiberius Nor as a Glinn and is instrumental in planning frequent missions into Klingon space, missions designed to delay the expected Klingon invasion. As a result of his many victories, and his general abilities, Revok is promoted to Dal. During this time his son joins him on board.
- 2372-2375: Both father and son serve on the Tiberius Nor through the Dominion War and are on the front line when the Cardassian switch sides. While the figures are not verifiable, they claim to have destroyed around 20 Jem'hadar vessels!
- 2376-2382: After a brief rest to repair the ship and themselves, father and son return to the border and resume their patrols, though by now they are watching out for any ships on the border, especially if they are Dominion.
- 238301.12: His daughter graduates and joins him on board the Tiberius Nor to complete her military training.
- 238312.30: The Tiberius Nor comes across a Klingon War Bird in Cardassian territory. Seeing no reason for it to be there unless it was spying or planning an invasion, the Nor opens fire on the vessel. Unfortunately the Klingons were ready and in the ensuring fight the Captain is killed, dying by honourable hand to hand combat. Seeing the need to retreat to safer ground Revok takes control of the ship, and using his training manages to disable the Klingon ship with a torpedo to their warp generator. The crew manages to kill any Klingons which remain on board, and they then return to Cardassia where Revok is hailed as a hero and promoted to Gul.
- 2384: The Tiberius Nor is repaired and by the end of the year Revok is allowed to return it to active duty. His daughter does not join him.
- 2384-2388: The Tiberius Nor continues to patrol the Klingon-Cardassian border ensuring that no more Klingon vessels are found in places where they do not belong!