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Four Letter Code NACE
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Unknown
Encountered VOY: Caretaker, Part II
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level R, Speculative
List of Named Nacenes

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A sporocystian life-form dubbed "Caretaker." The Nacene are capable of holographic projection and matter manipulation on a massive scale. The Caretaker was abandoned by his mate when he began a lifelong project of caring out of guilt for the Ocampa people whose planetary surface had been destroyed accidentally by the Nacene's technology. The couple had originally been left behind to fix the damage out of a larger exploratory party but his partner left him. When the Caretaker realised he was dying, he brought dozens of alien crews to the area (including Voyager and Chakotay's Maquis ship) in a desperate search for a viable procreation mate some there would be someone to take over and look after the Ocampa. Once he realises it is too late he resigns himself to his demise and builds up the Ocampa's power supply to a five-year supply. Upon death the Nacene become small rock-like masses. Ten month's after their first encounter with the Nacene, the USS Voyager made contact with an Array similar to the Caretaker's, populated by Ocampa and their guardian was Suspiria, the female mate of the Caretaker.