Talk:James Cromwell
Is this really relevent? This is the fleet wiki, not Memory Alpha. This wiki is primarily for info which will aide IC, but in character, Cromwell is not a person of any significence. - Salak 10:01, 5 Aug 2005 (CDT)
You present a valid point - its not really necessary for them to be in our library, I suppose, though I felt they at least deserved a mention. Perhaps it was enough to say who they played in the series - but I also feel like having the cast, as well as the characters they played, if they played multiple characters, can increase our database because of those characters. I probably wouldn't have known he was in any of the TNG episodes or the DS9 episodes he was on if I hadn't looked at his bio, and those characters can be added to our database either for use or for references on how that particular species may act towards human kind. If its not relevant, that's fine - the cast files can easily be removed, I'm sure.--Lt Pietro Maximoff 10:43, 5 Aug 2005 (CDT)
I think what we'd like is more a record of achievements for notable personnel in each posting (in our cases, Engineering). For example, and article on Cochrane would detail his development of the first Warp Drive and the Phoenix. However, such items as love life would not belong.
Let's take a more contemporary example. Say the character was Isambard Kingdom Brunel. An article on him would detail his achievements in Railways, bridges, steam ships, etc... yet his private life would not be as well documented. Also, would you really put much focus on an actor who might have played him in some obscure film over a hundred years after his death?
For Cochrane, we look the other way. Instead of being 100 years after, we're talking 60 years before. However, at the time of our simming, the movie First Contact will already be over 380 years old. Would many preople really know, or be interested in this person. Can you see James Cromwell appearing in sims?
If you can't, this belongs over on Memory Alpha ( where there is probably already an article.
But if you can see him being a person that may need to be referenced in simming as much as, let's say Geordi, then leave him.
A brief mention as a note at the bottom of the engineer characters page (say, a line or 2) would be more than enough I'd think, but it's probably best to check with Fleet Admiral Wolf if you're in doubt. - Lt. JG Salak 12:46, 5 Aug 2005 (CDT)
Well, as one of the missions of the wiki says, this is a website meant to be edited and changed as necessary. If you believe this is not an important person to note, you are more than welcome to delete it - I won't take offense. I added him only because there was a characters page and I felt a cast page would be appropriate. Perhaps the characters page should instead be a crew page and the cast page could be dropped.
And although sometimes it may be overdone, there is always the possibility of time travel. That's not to say you would travel back in time and land on the set of First Contact as they were filming it, but still. I do understand what you mean to say, and if you feel strongly enough about it, you're welcome to change or get rid of those particular files.--Lt Pietro Maximoff 14:57, 5 Aug 2005 (CDT)
Got to wait for Adm.Wolf. - Salak 16:44, 5 Aug 2005 (CDT)
I'm split on the subject. I agree that I don't necessarily believe we need to be documenting actors and such. I think that areas like Memory Alpha and Wikipedia do a more complete job of that. Our task is really to document things that are specific to our group.
But, if they must stay, I suggest putting, on all articles of this nature, something like this:
See Also
--Wolf 23:04, 5 Aug 2005 (CDT)