Haukea-Willow/Family Tree

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< Haukea-Willow
Revision as of 20:51, 4 August 2024 by Beelam Grog (talk | contribs) (Name pronunciation)
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motherKapono WillowHōkū Willow
Lei Willow
Madison Marsh
Haukea Willow
Name Meaning Of Name Relationship Birth Date Occupation
Haukea-Willow (how-KEH-a) White Snow Self December 28, 2359 Starfleet; Crisis Response Security Officer
Amar Immortal one/eternal Adopted Daughter (non-biological) Unknown Civilian
Madison Marsh Strength/Power Girlfriend/Partner June 12, 2374 Starfleet; Mission Specialist
Keahi; (Ke-a-hi) - Clay Fire "Brother" (non-biological) November 29, 2351
Kalei-Clover Flower Child "Sister" (non-biological) March 2, 2371
Keanu-Clover The cool breeze "Sister" (non-biological) May 1, 2370
Mahina-Willow (Rose) Moon Mother June 27, 2301
Mele (Me-le) - Fern (Rose) Song Maternal Aunt August 21, 2301
Momi (Mo-Mi) - Fern Pearl Maternal Cousin February 19, 2381
Hōkū (hoe – koo.) Willow Star Father January 17, 2301
Kapono-Willow (Ka-po-no); Proper one Paternal Uncle October 4, 2311
Lei (Lay) - Willow Flower Paternal Cousin April 1, 2361
Kekoa (keh-KO-a) - Evergreen Warrior Family Friend/Paternal Cousin's Boyfriend (non-biological) July 31, 2361
Kai (KIE) - Evergreen Sea Family Friend/Paternal Cousin's Boyfriend's Brother (non-biological) September 2, 2362
Kaipo-Evergreen Sweetheart Family Friend/Paternal Cousin's Boyfriend's Brother (non-biological) September 8, 2380
Lani (LA-nee) - Evergreen sky, heaven, royal, majesty Family Friend/Paternal Cousin's Boyfriend's Sister - "Cousin" (non-biological) April 16, 2379

Family Photos

Father, Age 101


Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Self, Age 42

Haukea-Willow's Starfleet ID photo

Adopted Daughter

Amar, once a rouge child found roaming the dungeon of Starbase 118, now the adopted daughter of Haukea-Willow, is a bright twelve-year-old girl. Haueka herself, found a parental pull towards the child, hence the adoption.

LT Madison Marsh.png
Girlfriend, Age 27

Former medical officer, currently mission specialist, Madison Mash is Haukea-Willow's long term girlfriend. The relationship developed from a crush, on Haukea's end, before turning to a medical appointment for a broken nose where she asked the doctor out for a date. Since then they have been inseparable; even adopting a dog together. Eventually the second adoptive mother.

Brother, Age 50


Mele Fern (Rose).jpg
Maternal Aunt, Age 100

Mele-Fern does not wear a ja'risia.

Kapano Willow.jpg
Paternal Uncle, Age 90


Paternal Cousin, Age 40

Her traditional ja'risia is covered by her fringe.

Paternal Cousin's Boyfriend, Age 40


Paternal Cousin's Boyfriend's Brother, Age 39


Paternal Cousin's Boyfriend's Sister, Age 21


Paternal Cousin's Boyfriend's Brother, Age 22

Lani, (LA-nee, meaning sky, heaven, royal, majesty), is a Family Friend/the Cousin's Boyfriend's Sister - "Cousin". Haukea is closest to this non-biological family member, choosing to call her cousin for simplicity. Lani does not wear a ja'risia. Lani is a rather brash individual, she forms the appearance of a rather grumpy individual. However, since she is Risian, she does not take the opinion of disliking other individuals, she is merely more stand off-ish than others like Haukea. Lani does have a tendency to use foul language as a form of respect or endearment towards others.

Name Pronunciation

  • Click here: [1] to listen to a playlist of (almost all) name pronunciations
  • Click here: [2] for how to pronounce Haukea
  • Click here: [3] for how to pronounce Mele
  • Click here: [4] for how to pronounce Hōkū
  • Click here: [5] for how to pronounce Kekoa
  • Click here: [6] for how to pronounce Kapono