Battle of the Barossa Nebula

Revision as of 06:39, 6 March 2023 by Rich (talk | contribs)
USS Kitty Hawk HP 32/40 USS Jemison HP 24/25
Ravarj's Escort HP 19/20 USS Halsey HP 35/35
Acherax's Frigate HP 22/25 Kathor's Battleship HP 32/35
USS Janus HP 30/30 Cigac's Escort HP 20/20
USS Independence-B HP 20/20 USS Bronwyn HP 25/25

Action Score
00:00:00 Red and Blue teams assemble in Zone 2 0 - 0
00:02:42 USS Jemison fires on USS Kitty Hawk with phasers
2 hits - 1 evade = 1 scored hit
0 - 1
00:02:46 USS Jemison fires on USS Kitty Hawk with "full spread" photon torpedos
2 hits - 0 evade = 2 scored hits
0 - 3
00:02:42 USS Kitty Hawk vs Kathor's Battleship
1 hit + 0 failed attack reroll - 1 evade = 0 scored hits
0 - 3
00:03:06 USS Kitty Hawk vs Kathor's Battleship
Second Round: 2 hit + (1 x 2) critical hit - 1 successful defense reroll = 3 scored hits
3 - 3
00:03:08 USS Kitty Hawk vs Jamison
2 critical hit - 1 evade - 0 failed defense reroll = 1 scored hit
4 - 3
00:03:50 USS Bronwyn vs Ravarj's Escort
0 failed attack reroll - 0 failed defense reroll = 0 scored hits
4 - 3
00:03:56 USS Bronwyn vs Acherax's Frigate
2 x 2 critical hits - 1 evade = 3 scored hits
4 - 6
00:04:34 USS Halsey fires on USS Kitty Hawk with phasers
2 hits + 0 failed attack reroll - 1 evade = 1 scored hit
4 - 7
00:04:45 USS Halsey fires on USS Kitty Hawk with quantum photon torpedos
1 hit + 2 critical hit - 0 failed defense reroll = 3 scored hits
4 - 10
00:04:55 Cigac’s Escort vs USS Kitty Hawk
1 hit + 1 successful attack reroll - 1 evade = 1 scored hit
4 - 11
00:04:58 Cigac’s Escort vs Ravarj’s Escort
1 hit - 0 failed evade = 1 scored hit
4 - 12



  • USS Kitty Hawk, Galaxy class - 40 hit points, 4 attack dice, 1 defensive die
    • CO: Captain Roshanara Rahman
    • FO: Lt. Commander John Carter
    • Science: Lieutenant Kivik
    • Science: Ensign Cara Veers
    • Medical: Lieutenant Ikaia Wong (in sickbay with Kalil to start)
  • Hirogen Hunter Escort - 20 hit points, 2 attack dice, 3 defensive dice
    • Alpha: Ravarj
    • Beta: Konrak
  • Hirogen Seeker Frigate - 25 hit points, 3 attack dice, 2 defensive dice
    • Alpha: Acherax
    • Beta: Tazik

(OOC: All remaining ships listed should only be minimally featured, mainly just as background comm chatter or narrative description of what they're doing. We only need to know their captains to reference by name such as “I’m getting a message that Captain Smith reports so and so” etc. Do NOT leave tags for the COs of these ships.)

  • USS Independence-B, Defiant class - 20 hit points, 3 attack dice, 3 defensive dice
    • Acting CO: Lt. Commander Lidia Ivanova
  • USS Janus, Veritas class - 30 hit points, 3 attack dice, 2 defensive dice
    • CO: Commander Karsa Ven
  • 5 other Hirogen ships


  • USS Jemison, Intrepid class refit - 25 hit points, 3 attack dice, 3 defensive dice
    • CO: Commander Wil Ukinix
    • FO: Lieutenant Robin Hopper
    • Helm: LtJG David Flint
    • Science: Nadeshiko
    • Engineer: LtJG Nathan Richards (at the engineering bridge station)
    • Medical: EMH Mark VII
  • USS Halsey, Inquiry class - 35 hit points, 4 attack dice, 2 defensive dice
    • CO: Commander Addison MacKenzie
    • FO: Lt. Commander Cassian Iovianus
    • Helm: Ensign S'Raga
    • Ops: Lieutenant Jess Webber
    • Engineer: Scotty Reade (at the engineering bridge station)
    • Tactical: Rebecca Iko
  • Hirogen Apex Battleship - 35 hit points, 4 attack dice, 1 defensive dice
    • Alpha: Kathor
    • Beta: Conssad
  • Hirogen Hunter Escort - 20 hit points, 2 attack dice, 3 defensive dice
    • Alpha: Cigac
    • Beta: Dadroz

(OOC: All remaining ships listed should only be minimally featured, mainly just as background comm chatter or narrative description of what they're doing. We only need to know their captains to reference by name such as “I’m getting a message that Captain Smith reports so and so” etc. Do NOT leave tags for the COs of these ships.)

  • USS Bronwyn, Miranda class refit - 25 hit points, 2 attack dice, 2 defensive dice
    • CO: Lt. Commander Stephanie Parker
  • 4 other Hirogen ships


Both sides are initially 100 kilometers apart and out of weapons range, so it's a matter of first getting towards each other and then slugging it out.

The total duration of the exercise is six hours in character.


Ships score "points" during the exercise based on damage inflicted on other ships. Each hit scores one point. Each critical hit scores two points.

You can only have a ship fire 2 rounds of fire for each sim. So they can either be 2 rounds of fire against the same target or 2 rounds of fire against 2 individual targets.

As capital ships, Kitty Hawk and the Hirogen Battleship can target up to 3 ships and fire a total of 3 rounds of fire (again either all against 1 target or 2 attempts on one target and 1 remaining attempt on another or one attempt against 3 individual targets).

Once a ship has taken sufficient simulated and registered critical damage, it will be disabled and the crew must spend a certain amount of time to repair it.

A team wins either by being the last team surviving or by acquiring the most "points" (and still have at least one surviving member of the team by the end of the simulated exercise).

Any hits scored from a ship in zone 1 (see "Battlefield/Play Area" below for more information) are doubled, but the damage is still the base value as any other zone. So 1 hit scores 2 points and 1 critical hit from zone 1 scores 4 points!


Every time a player sims that the ship has fired upon another ship, you MUST send a message to the OOC list, listing out the number of times the ship fired upon which vessel.

I will then keep a "scorecard" updated on the OOC list by rolling Star Trek Attack Wing dice which have either hit, critical hit, or miss (blank). I will also roll the green defensive dice based on the values above that can cancel out hits (smaller ships have more defensive dice to simulate maneuverability)

Each hit takes off one hit point. Each critical hit takes off two hit points.

A ship that loses all its hitpoints can reenter the game at half its hit points after its crew sims that they've done some repairs, which will advance the "clock" by 30 minutes for everyone.

The dice also have a possible "battle stations" result. Any dice that result in "battle stations" will be re-rolled once to attempt a successful attack or evade for those dice only.


The "battlefield" is a large area deep within the Barossa Nebula. The main/biggest hazard is the pulsar wind nebula, where a central pulsar is sending out regular shockwaves of "plasma winds" mixed with stellar debris and material (think "rough seas"/turbulence) as well as dangerous magnetic fields and other nasty things that affect ship systems.

On top of that, you have all the regular "fun" stuff in a nebula that can affect ship systems (as determined/reported by our science officers) along with random asteroids and other stellar material floating around.

The battlefield is further divided into three zones:

  • Zone 1: Closer distance to the pulsar wind nebula.
  • Zone 2: Middle ground (where all ships are now)
  • Zone 3: Furthest out/coward's land

All ships can fire into the adjacent zone (so zone 1 can fire on ships in zone 1 and 2 but not 3. Zone 2 can fire on zones 1, 2, and 3. Zone 3 can fire on zones 2 and 3).

Any ship in zone 1, gets 1 bonus defense die they use against any attack.

Any ship in zone 3 gets 1 bonus attack die they use only against other ships in zone 3.

I will also periodically roll damage/hit dice for all ships to represent the periodic shockwaves.

I will roll 3 attack dice:

  • Zone 1 takes the results of all 3 dice.
  • Zone 2 only 2 dice (in order of severity: so so critical hits before anything else, and hits before blanks)
  • Zone 3 only takes the result of 1 dice and any critical hits are lessened to a regular hit.

Also to encourage folks to dare the feisty waters of Zone 1, any hits scored from a ship in zone 1 are doubled (but the damage is still the base value as any other zone). So 1 hit scores 2 points and 1 critical hit from zone 1 scores 4 points!