The Fallen Sword (USS Thor)

First Season, Episode 5: Stardate 239804.14 - Present


While en route to explore a mysterious stellar event, the USS Thor receives a distress signal from the USS Excalibur, which was officially lost during the Federation-Klingon War in 2256. Intrigued by the mysterious signal from the past, the crew will find themselves in the middle of a mythical and epic conflict they never anticipated. ....

Mission Summary


In late 2256 the USS Excalibur was assigned to Starbase 91 as part of a quick reaction fleet in the sector. A surprise attack launched by the Klingons overwhelmed the small fleet's defenses and the assigned ships fell one by one to the onslaught. Heavily damaged and unable to fight any longer, the Excalibur set course directly away from the Klingon attack and fled to seek refuge in unexplored space. The Klingon's were not eager to let such prey escape however and pursued the ship. The Excalibur exited Starfleet sensor range with Klingon ships in pursuit and the ship was believed to be lost with all hands. Despite being officially reported lost the still heavily damaged and pursued Excalibur was able to escape to an uncharted nebula with a solar system and several planets.

During early 2398 the kingdom of Calabrum was threatened. Tremors and earthquakes shook the land, rivers briefly reversed their course, and acrid fumes belched forth from nearby mountains. The people of the kingdom were panicked and camps had formed along the outer walls where the terrified huddled under the stone easements, desperate for a protection that did not exist. Queen du Pendragon has dispatched her finest knights from the Crimson Order and had consulted with the Azure order of wizards but no solution had been found for the realm's troubles. All that was known was the sky had darkened, and the quakes had grown stronger, and the fumes were poisoning the land.

The Queen's last resort was to consult with Velik, the High Wizard of the realm, and an ancient hermit who had witnessed generations come and go. Velik acknowledged the danger but informed the queen he no longer possessed the magic to quell the looming disaster. Instead, Velik urged the queen to complete the ancient ritual of her station. A ritual passed down from generation to generation of rulers. Skeptical but desperate, Queen du Pendragon agreed and shortly thereafter departed to the sacred place in the mountains. Untouched since the first queen over 150 years prior, she made her way into the cold gray place. Along the way du Pendragon followed the ritual perfectly, touching each glyph and uttering each phrase as she was taught until she finally reached the throne room of the ancient place. Blood stains were still visible from the sacrifice of the first queen. Taking a seat in the sacred throne, Queen du Pendragon uttered the final words of the ritual: "Excalibur. I need you."

On stardate 239804.10 the distress signal of the USS Excalibur was activated and detected by the USS Thor. The distress call contained no voice information and simply consisted of a homing signal and the Excalibur's signature. The signal emanated from a nebula at the edges of modern-day Federation space and significant interference prevented the Thor from identifying a precise location. With the ship being thought lost over 150 years prior, the USS Thor changed course to investigate the mystery.

Act One

The USS Thor wrapped up her shore leave period and departed Vulcan to investigate a possible sighting of the spacebourne being ma:Gomtuu. En route to the suspected coordinates however the ship identified a distress signal bearing the signature of the USS Excalibur, a ship lost during the Federation-Klingon war of the mid 2200s. The signal had a significant amount of interference and a precise location could not be identified, however the signal appeared to emanate from an unexplored nebula. With the ship's course set to the nebula, Fleet Captain Kells assembled several teams to begin unraveling the mystery.

Team 1, led by Lieutenant Alieth, consisted of Ensign Anton Richards, Lieutenant JG Dime De Scheppes, and Lieutenant Quen Deena. This team was tasked with examining evidence of indiginous life forms in the region and determining if there had been contact between Federation technology and their natural development.

Team 2, led by Captain (SFMC) Wes Greaves, consisted of Lieutenant Sirok, Lieutenant JG Sasha Johnson, and Petty Officer Gra'vel. This team was tasked with working through the signal interference to identify the location of the USS Excalibur. Once identified the team would then determine what happened to the ship. Captain Greaves assembled his team in one of the ship's engineering labs and began work to identify the final location of the Excalibur. Working through the interference of the nebula proved difficult, but as the Thor got closer the interference was able to be compensated for. LT Johnson was able to refine their sensors to finally find the Excalibur. The ship had crashed in the mountains of a planet but was almost entirely intact. With the ship's location disseminated to the rest of the crew, the team assembled in the transporter room to beam down to the wreckage for further investigation. The plan was to beam directly to the Excalibur's bridge with spare batteries, download the computer logs, and return to the Thor. Unfortunately natural geological interference with the transporters resulted in the team materializing four decks below the bridge. LT Sirok's knee was injured during the beam in and the spare battery was damaged. Initially the team attempted to identify where on the ship they were and then proceed to sickbay to treat Sirok's knee. Petty Officer Gra'vel carried the wounded Sirok until they reach Deck 5, however a large hull breach blocked their path. Capt Greaves decided to send LT Sirok and PO Gra'vel to the bridge while he and LTJG Johnson went to engineering. LT Sirok was able to fashion a splint for his leg and both teams arrived at their destinations. It was discovered that the bridge had power from a makeshift power pack, however it would not last long enough to download all of the ship's logs. LT Siork and PO Gra'vel established communications with the Thor but geological interference disrupted the communications. Capt Greaves and LTJG Johnson discovered a way to restore minimal auxiliary power in engineering which boosted the transmitter output and cut through all interference. Meanwhile LT Sirok and PO Gra'vel were able to repair their battery and connect it to the makeshift power source to ensure the Excalibur's logs would be downloaded.

Team 3, led by Commander Geoffrey Teller, consisted of Lieutenant Commander Alexander Brodie, Ensign Dar Elandra, and Ensign Katsim Peri. This team was tasked to examine the environment around the ship's final location and determine a way to extract the Starfleet technology.

Team 4, led by Commander Lia Rouiancet, consisted of Ensign Jehe Saja, Second Lieutenant Ishani Singh and Second Lieutenant Josh Henderson. This team was tasked with conducting a survey of the system once the Thor arrived to determine if there were additional indigenous races in the area. The Thor would remain at the location of the Excalibur so the team would condut the survey aboard the Valkyrie Fighter detachment.

Act Two


Act Three




  • Captain Yareli de la Lago [1]
  • Arta du Pendragon, Heart of Gold, first of her name, Queen of Calabrum [2]
  • Velik, Reluctant High Wizard and General Recluse in Calabrum [3]



  1. "The Battle of Camlann Minor", Captain Yareli De La Lago, USS Excalibur), 2256
  2. "The Fallen Sword: Blood of Heroes - Prologue Part 2", Queen Arta du Pendragon & High Wizard Velik, Calabrum), 2398
  3. "The Fallen Sword: Blood of Heroes - Prologue Part 1", Queen Arta du Pendragon & High Wizard Velik, Calabrum), 2398