Timothy Alentonis/Professional History

< Timothy Alentonis
Revision as of 04:07, 3 June 2020 by Zephyr (talk | contribs) (+Pirates of the Quantum Realms)
Crew of the USS Astraeus

LtCmdr Tim Alentonis.png

Lieutenant Commander Timothy Alentonis

Starfleet Service Record

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Civilian 2375 - 239504 Star Station Esperance
Archaeology Instructor
239504 - 239508.16 USS Veritas
239508.16 - 239510.31
239510.31 - 239512.27 USS Montreal
239512.27 - 239603.27 Starfleet Officer Candidate School Student
Lieutenant 239603.27 - 239609.10 Star Station Esperance
Science Officer
Lieutenant Commander 239609.10 - 239701.14
239701.14 - 239705.25 USS Veritas
239705.25 - Present Operations Officer

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Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Captain's Commendation 239506.12
USS Veritas
Captain Roshanara Rahman
Kallo Ver & The Hunt for the Lost Romulan Treasure Fleet
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal 239508.31
USS Veritas
Commander Evan Delano
The Omega Paradox
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 239508.31
USS Veritas
Commander Evan Delano
The Omega Paradox
Innovation Ribbon 239509.04
USS Veritas
Captain Roshanara Rahman
The Omega Paradox
Captain's Commendation 239509.04
USS Veritas
Captain Roshanara Rahman
The Omega Paradox
Explorer's Ribbon 239705.21
USS Veritas
Captain Roshanara Rahman
Free Flight

Mission History & Logs

Timothy Alentonis

Personal Log Stardate 239507.23

I have no idea what happened. I have no idea what I’m looking at. Heck, I barely understand how I just became a living fossil. When they said to return to field work, I didn’t think this was quite what they meant. And I’m an anxious wreck because I should be studying time, not travelling through it. It’ll probably make for one heck of a paper when we get home.