User talk:ArikSoong

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Revision as of 16:07, 25 April 2007 by Varaan (talk | contribs)
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Other content

Arik, if you are copying content from other sites, you must credit the other site. If we do not credit the other site, then we are stealing the content. If you find content on Wikipedia or Memory Alpha, instead of adding it to our site just link to it.

Also, all pages that you add need to be categorized.

Thanks! --Wolf /talk page 16:45, 14 April 2007 (CDT)

Canon vs. Sb118 specific

Thank you for your interest and help on the wiki. Enthusiasm around here is something we need more of. However, OUR wiki is mainly designed to archive things more specific to the SB 118 universe. Canon Star Trek articles can be found in many places, Memory Alpha being one of them, and are quite often more thoroughly researched at the other sites. With the ease of linking between wikis and other sites, it is rather redundant to post articles that appear numerous other places. What we try to do here is record the unique events of OUR Trek-verse, and link to canon info on other sites (most notably Memory Alpha and/or Wikipedia). In this way, we have more room to expand our own universe.

For instance, your recent addition of the Starfleet Divisions page is really an unnecessary page HERE on our wiki. That information is canon, and covered elsewhere (easily linked to where needed). We are not trying to be the ultimate Star Trek wiki (others have a much bigger head start if we were). Instead, we want to focus on what is making us unique.

Again, thank you for your enthusiasm. I hope what I've said here makes sense, and doesn't detract from your involvement here. Thank you.

-Varaan 11:07, 25 April 2007 (CDT)