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Course Number | Course Name | Department | School | Core |
ADMIN101 | Starfleet Operations | Administration | Command | Y |
ADMIN110 | Chain of Command and General Protocol | Administration | Command | Y |
ADMIN200 | Starfleet Starships | Administration | Command | N |
ADMIN210 | Starfleet Bases and Outposts | Administration | Command | N |
ADMIN300 | Deployment | Administration | Command | N |
ADMIN500 | Personnel Management | Administration | Command | N |
ASTRG101 | Navigation of Starships, Sublight | Astrogation | Command | N |
ASTRG102 | Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed | Astrogation | Command | N |
DIPL101 | General | Diplomacy | Command | Y |
DIPL200 | Hostile Species | Diplomacy | Command | N |
DIPL250 | Non-Traditional Situations | Diplomacy | Command | N |
INTEL101 | Espionage 1 | Intelligence | Command | N |
INTEL120 | SIGINT Collection/Jamming | Intelligence | Command | N |
INTEL150 | Crypto-analysis | Intelligence | Command | N |
INTEL201 | Espionage 2 | Intelligence | Command | N |
INTEL240 | Propaganda | Intelligence | Command | N |
INTEL250 | Advanced Analysis | Intelligence | Command | N |
INTEL300 | Interrogation | Intelligence | Command | N |
LAW101 | Federation, General | Law | Command | Y |
LAW150 | Non-Federation | Law | Command | N |
LAW200 | Federation, Constitutional | Law | Command | N |
LAW210 | Federation, Administrative | Law | Command | N |
LAW220 | Federation, Contracts | Law | Command | N |
LAW240 | Federation, Criminal | Law | Command | N |
LAW250 | Federation, Interplanetary | Law | Command | N |
PILOT100 | Land Vehicles | Piloting | Command | N |
PILOT101 | Runabouts and Shuttles | Piloting | Command | Y |
PILOT200 | Work Vessels | Piloting | Command | N |
PILOT210 | Minor Ships | Piloting | Command | N |
PILOT220 | Major Ships | Piloting | Command | N |
PILOT230 | Non-Federation Ships | Piloting | Command | N |
ENG101 | General Electronics | Introductory | Engineering | N |
ENG111 | Intermediate Electronics 1 | Introductory | Engineering | N |
ENG112 | Intermediate Electronics 1 | Introductory | Engineering | N |
ENG121 | Colossal Failures in Engineering | Introductory | Engineering | N |
ENGSEM | Seminar | General | Engineering | N |
ENG201 | Impulse Systems | Propulsion Systems | Engineering | N |
ENG202 | Introduction to Warp Systems | Propulsion Systems | Engineering | N |
ENG203 | Advanced Warp Systems | Propulsion Systems | Engineering | N |
ENG301 | Transwarp Theories | Propulsion Systems | Engineering | N |
ENG302 | Alternative Faster-Than-Light Technologies | Propulsion Systems | Engineering | N |
ENG211 | Introduction to Material Engineering | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG212 | Mechanics | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG213 | Electromagnetics and Applications | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG215 | Introduction to Nanotechnology | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG311 | Starship Engineering | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG312 | Subspace Mechanics | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG315 | Nanotechnology 1 | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG316 | Nanotechnology 2 | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG415 | Nanotechnology - Advanced | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG510 | Regulation of Chemicals, Radiation, and Biotechnology | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG511 | Sustainable Energy | Material Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG231 | Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces | Components Engineering | Engineering | Y |
ENG232 | Replicators, Transporters and Holodecks | Components Engineering | Engineering | Y |
ENG233 | Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems | Components Engineering | Engineering | Y |
ENG234 | Deflectors, Weapons and Security Systems | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG330 | Bio-Neural Components | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG331 | Operations and Command Functions | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG332 | Life Support Systems | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG430 | Medical Systems and Equipment | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG431 | Shield Systems | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG432 | Weapons Systems | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG433 | Security Systems | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG530 | System Design | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG531 | Systems Architecture | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG532 | Systems Dynamics | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG535 | Advanced Replicator Theory and Application | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG536 | Advanced Transporter Techniques, Technology and Theory | Components Engineering | Engineering | N |
ENG221 | LCARS Programming 1 | Programming | Engineering | Y |
ENG222 | LCARS Programming 1 | Programming | Engineering | N |
ENG321 | Base-Mode Programming | Programming | Engineering | N |
ENG322 | Base-Mode Operations | Programming | Engineering | N |
ENG323 | Application of Creative Design in Holodecks | Programming | Engineering | N |
ENG420 | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Programming | Engineering | N |
ENG421 | Automata, Computability, and Complexity | Programming | Engineering | N |
ENG425 | Artificial Intelligence | Programming | Engineering | N |
ARM101 | Introduction to Weapons | Armory | Survival Training | N |
ARM110 | Hand Phasers, Phaser Rifles and Artillery | Armory | Survival Training | N |
ARM120 | Knives and other Small Weapons | Armory | Survival Training | N |
ARM130 | Non-traditional Weapons | Armory | Survival Training | N |
ARM200 | Starship Phasers and Phaser Cannons | Armory | Survival Training | N |
ARM210 | Photon Torpedoes | Armory | Survival Training | N |
SURV101 | Starship Emergencies | Survival | Survival Training | Y |
SURV110 | Environmental Suits and Zero-G Training | Survival | Survival Training | Y |
SURV150 | Land-based Survival in Desert, Ocean, Jungle, and Moderate conditions | Survival | Survival Training | N |
SURV200 | Captivity | Survival | Survival Training | N |
TAC101 | Combat, Unarmed | Tactics | Survival Training | Y |
TAC110 | Combat, Small Weapons | Tactics | Survival Training | Y |
TAC170 | Combat, Introduction to Starship Combat | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC175 | Combat, Phasers and Photon Torpedos | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC200 | Combat, Martial Arts, Anbo-Jytsu and Federation Standard | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC210 | Combat, Marksmanship | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC220 | Small Units | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC230 | Large Units | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC250 | Combat, Shuttles and Runabouts | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC260 | Combat, Minor Starships | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC270 | Combat, Major Starships | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC280 | Combat, Non-Federation Starships | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC300 | Leadership | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC301 | Strategy of Battle 1 | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
TAC302 | Strategy of Battle 2 | Tactics | Survival Training | N |
NURS101 | Health Assessment & Promotion | Nursing | Health Sciences | N |
NURS200 | Pharmacotherapeutics | Nursing | Health Sciences | N |
NURS301 | Adult & Elder Nursing 1 | Nursing | Health Sciences | N |
NURS302 | Adult & Elder Nursing 2 | Nursing | Health Sciences | N |
NURS310 | Pediatric Nursing | Nursing | Health Sciences | N |
NURS320 | Maternity Nursing | Nursing | Health Sciences | N |
NURS330 | Acute Care Psychiatric Nursing | Nursing | Health Sciences | N |
NURS401 | Elective Clinical Placement 1 | Nursing | Health Sciences | N |
NURS402 | Elective Clinical Placement 2 | Nursing | Health Sciences | N |
NURS500 | Leadership & Management in Nursing | Nursing | Health Sciences | N |
PSY101 | Terran, General | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY102 | Non-Terran, Major Species | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY111 | Two-lobed Interspecies Individuals | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY112 | Four-lobed Interspecies Individuals | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY201 | Terran Development | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY202 | Non-Terran, Major Species Development | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY211 | Terran Personalities | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY212 | Non-Terran, Major Species Personalities | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY221 | Terran Gender | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY222 | Non-Terran Gender | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY301 | Abnormal | Health Sciences | N | |
PSY302 | Hostilities | Health Sciences | N | |
num | title | dept | school | YN |