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Table caption
Course Number Course Name Department School Core
ADMIN101 Starfleet Operations Administration Command Y
ADMIN110 Chain of Command and General Protocol Administration Command Y
ADMIN200 Starfleet Starships Administration Command N
ADMIN210 Starfleet Bases and Outposts Administration Command N
ADMIN300 Deployment Administration Command N
ADMIN500 Personnel Management Administration Command N
ASTRG101 Navigation of Starships, Sublight Astrogation Command N
ASTRG102 Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed Astrogation Command N
DIPL101 General Diplomacy Command Y
DIPL200 Hostile Species Diplomacy Command N
DIPL250 Non-Traditional Situations Diplomacy Command N
INTEL101 Espionage 1 Intelligence Command N
INTEL120 SIGINT Collection/Jamming Intelligence Command N
INTEL150 Crypto-analysis Intelligence Command N
INTEL201 Espionage 2 Intelligence Command N
INTEL240 Propaganda Intelligence Command N
INTEL250 Advanced Analysis Intelligence Command N
INTEL300 Interrogation Intelligence Command N
LAW101 Federation, General Law Command Y
LAW150 Non-Federation Law Command N
LAW200 Federation, Constitutional Law Command N
LAW210 Federation, Administrative Law Command N
LAW220 Federation, Contracts Law Command N
LAW240 Federation, Criminal Law Command N
LAW250 Federation, Interplanetary Law Command N
PILOT100 Land Vehicles Piloting Command N
PILOT101 Runabouts and Shuttles Piloting Command Y
PILOT200 Work Vessels Piloting Command N
PILOT210 Minor Ships Piloting Command N
PILOT220 Major Ships Piloting Command N
PILOT230 Non-Federation Ships Piloting Command N