Merigold Kitiganzibi
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Merigold KitiganZibi
- Full Name: Merigold KitiganZibi
- Race: Terran
- Date of Birth: 235205.02
- Place of Birth: Earth
- Age: 30
- Gender: Female
- Telepathic status: None
- Height: 5’ 11”
- Weight: 175 lbs
- Hair Color: Auburn brown-medium dark brown
- Length of Hair: shoulder length
- Eye Color: Deep green with blue ring around
- Skin Tone: light milk chocolate tan
- Birthmarks, Scars: small scar under her left buttox
- Tattoos/Body Modifications: Small maple leaf (size of a dime) right hip
- Build: Tall, muscular, athletic
- Face: Oval
- Eyes: Set wide, large? Thin eyebrows
- Mouth: Medium red lips
- Arms: Long and muscular
- Legs: Long and muscular
- Carriage: Walks with purpose
- Poses: Normal stands with arms either crossed in front of her, or behind her back.
- Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Anything comfy such as t-shirts, jeans, long skirts
- Shoes: sandles or barefoot
- Voice: strong, alto.
- Handedness: ambidextrous?
- Quarters: Decorations, pictures, etc.
- Favorite Room: Arboretum
- Mannerisms:
- Physical Limitations: DNA change is currently affecting her abilities
- Temperment: Patient most of the time.
- Habits: Jumping to decisions too quickly
- Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Personal at this time
Kiti was for a while married to Captain Hebron