Andaris Task Force Player Spotlight
Andaris Task Force | ||
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Overview |
The Andaris Task Force Player Spotlight is an opportunity to get to know and recognise our fantastic players for IC and OOC achievement beyond promotions and awards. Each month a different player is featured.
List of Featured Players |
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Isabel Pond May Spotlight Kristy, the writer behind Isabel Pond has been with the fleet for nearly a year and a half now, joining us directly from Starfleet Academy in 2392 as a medical officer. Since then Kristy has proven to be a capable and dedicated doctor and has received a number of ribbons for dedicated service from a Captain's Commendation, a First Contact Ribbon, an Innovation Ribbon, a number of lifesaving ribbons, to a Trauma Support Advocate ribbon and an Explorer's Ribbon, a Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal and a Legacy Ribbon. As a medical officer Kristy has shown, skill, professionalism and dedication to the job. As a person Kristy is always there for you and not afraid to be blunt when necessary. We appreciate how Kristy has taken the time to answer some questions to allow us to get to know the player behind Doctor Pond a little better!: What kinds of Role playing games you participated in before? Back in the days when I had time to spare, I played almost every free-to-play RPG I could get my hands on via the internet. Even though the „role-playing“ aspect there isn’t usually very pronounced, I always begun to imagine and sometimes write stories my characters would undergo next to the things shown in the game. Even though they are generally called RPGs, I consider SB118 my first experience in real RPG, especially since I never was part of an RP-Server in any of those games. What drew you to Star Trek in the first place? I really don’t know anymore. No-one of my family watches it, none of my friends watches it, I don’t know how it all started. What I remember is that I have begun with ST Voyager, which is still my favorite. I guess I just liked Janeway. What eventually kept me hooked was that I always felt like Star Trek is the more civilized approach to sci-fi, I think it shows (over all, not including Borg and the likings) a future that is very desirable and worth working for. What do you love most about this community? As I said answering the first question, I don’t have any comparison here. But I never missed anything here and see no reason why I should try other groups out. I cannot think of anything that could be done better administratively, which is a big compliment. I like that we here can write and have ideas on our own without anyone being upset when something goes south. What lead you to the species you chose for your character? I only have seen a handful DS9 episodes, and the Trills as we know them have not been portrayed anywhere else. When I started here, I wanted to portrait someone else, therefore not human. But keeping it realistic/authentic is a very important part for me and to make that easy, it would be best to choose a species not entirely different, which is the case for unjoined Trills. Also, I always liked the spot-pattern. My next problem was the name and as I am really bad with coming up with them, I instead invited a story why Isabel should have an human name. What is one of your favorite hobbies? (Besides writing with us) My favorite hobby is at the same time my profession and my passion. I work as Stage Manager at a small-ish stage of one of the biggest theatre in Switzerland. Being part of different productions and bringing (ideally) joy and / or food for the mind to potentially 450 visitors every evening is for me the best feeling in the world. I never thought I could turn my hobby into an actual job until it somehow happened. Why not get to know Isabel Pond better by reading this wonderful IC interview conducted by our very own Kendra Eberhart. |
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Kael Thomas April Spotlight Aaron, the writer behind Kael Thomas, known commonly as 'KT' has been with the fleet for almost 15 years. He joined in 2380 and his first assignment was the USS Victory. Since then, he has served on a number of ships in a number of positions and has won sought after awards such as The Voyager Medallion, which recognises excellence in the Operations duty post. He was the Darwin’s First Officer and he served in that role again when the ship was later relaunched making him one of our longest standing and most loyal players. Much like his character, KT is a true professional who has served as an Academy Trainer, where he has guided many players through their first steps in the game. In his capacity as mentor he’s helped many players get more enjoyment out of the game, develop their writing and simming skills and achieve their highest potential. As Calender Master, he ensured that all fleet events made it to the calendar so everyone could see what’s happening around the fleet. We want to show appreciation for this most valued of players whose honesty, dedication and outstanding work ethic have benefitted us time and again. It’s hard to sum up just how much we appreciate Aaron and everything he has done and continues to do for us. Thank you! Aaron was kind enough to answer a few questions to allow us to get to know him a little better: How long have you been Role playing? I've been roleplaying through DnD and Simming for about 20 years. What kinds of Role playing do you like most? (action, adventure, mystery, etc) I'm a big fan of Mystery. Although, I think Mystery also has to include action! What advice do you have for new players? You should develop a solid backstory, but only so far as it establishes your position in life as it is right now, primarily your values and beliefs. It gives you something to grab onto when you are trying to think about how your character will react. Without it, it's easy to flip flop around and you'll find you aren't being consistent. Fighting moral dilemmas with yourself because your values are Good, but it doesn't match what you want to do is fantastic role playing! What would people be surprised to know about you? That I once made a billy cart from scratch, which if you knew me would be surprising in itself. I then proceeded to find an stupidly steep hill and ride down it. Consequently losing control and hitting a police car down the bottom. Needless to that over the next month, that Police car was very clean. What are you passionate about? I'm passionate about a lot of things, but probably around Youth and giving them a good start in life. A lot of kids come from families who are doing their best but it's often not enough. Our future is our youth so if we can give them all right tools and the right help they need then our country will be great! Too many unemployed, homeless youth out there and I'm very passionate about doing what I can to reverse that! Why not get to know Kael Thomas better by reading this wonderful IC interview conducted by our very own Kendra Eberhart: Nervous Engineers and Friendly Reporters. |