A.C. Kells (alternate)

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For the prime universe character, see Aron Kells.

A. C. Kells is a 37-year-old Human/Romulan who lives in an alternate universe where the Federation lost the Dominion War.

A.C. Kells


Aron Caleb Kells volunteered, when things started going very badly for the Federation, for a civilian post in Starfleet. His natural interest in the biosciences was initially not very useful in wartime and he was used as an all-purpose science officer -- until the undercover exploits of his grandparents were made public. Maiek Khev, his Romulan grandfather, and Neka Quinsier, his human grandmother, had turned their considerable genetic talents to creating a race of 'shock troops' on (the very secret) behalf of Starfleet and the Romulan Star Empire in order to oppose the Jem'Hadar and the distinct advantage they gave to the Dominion. Unfortunately for them, the Dominion discovered the project before completion and wiped out the test facility, including Kells' grandparents and most of their work. Since then, A.C. has been working with a secret network of other scientists to reproduce their work and synthesize a fighting force of controllable sentients to fight on behalf of the Alpha Quadrant races.

Additional info

Unlike his prime counterpart, Kells is a PNPC written for by Rich, the writer for Roshanara Rahman.

USS Ronin-A (alternate) Crew Manifest
Commanding Ofc.
First Officer
Chief Engineer
Evan Delano
Chief Ops Ofc.
Ivani Gupta
Tactical R&D
Cassie Egan
Science Officer
Bio Specialist
A.C. Kells
Hanar Tuk
Chief of Sec/Tac
Taeval Traianus
Chief Medical Ofc.
Raissa Moonsong
Solok Dara
Med Tech Engineer
Tristam Core
R. Shandres
Tasnim Shandres
Alora DeVeau
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