Chythar Skyfire/Relationships

< Chythar Skyfire
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Lieutenant JG
Chythar Skyfire
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Asst. Chief Medical Officer


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Everyone who has affected CD in some manner or another is listed here. He's very compassionate, understanding and knows when to shut up. Not everyone sees things the same way he does, but when he makes a friend, he is a man of his word.


Father: Calvin Daniels -- Deceased. Calvin wasn't that big into Starfleet, and had no affiliation. He was a single father for many years, and dropped off the face of the map after his son graduated from Starfleet Academy. Word of his death reached Chythar when he was stationed on Starbase 118.
Mother: Kyrethia Angelica Skyfire: Retired SF Captain -- Deceased. Captain Kyrethia Skyfire has been on Romulus for several years, working with a minor faction to maintain peace. They seem to like her to stay in order to maintain said peace, and she was very proud when her son Chythar announced after his graduation from UW to go off to Starfleet. She remained on Romulus until her death, at the destruction of the planet.
Siblings: None


During Chythar's Starfleet career, he has had the privilege to serve under some particularly fine officers. While not all their leadership styles were compatible with his own, this is a list of the people who have influenced his attitude and style of leadership.

Johanna MacLaren

Johanna MacLaren

She and Chythar met when they served together on board Starbase 118 Ops,and Chythar received his baptism by fire during the Odyssey mission. He feared he'd started out wrong with her, because of his emotional turmoil, which he later regretted as she laid on Death's Door in the sickbay of the USS Excalibur-A after the explosion during the Pythia's Tale mission. Since their last meeting, he has changed ships from the Excalibur to the USS Garuda and been promoted to the Assistant Chief Medical Officer.


Chythar's Starfleet career has led to working with interesting people. Some he doesn't know as well as he'd like, and wants to try to know them better. Though some, that may be harder to do than others.

Alexander Morgan

Dr. Alexander Morgan

Dr. Morgan and Chythar have been working together since the launch of the Excalibur. Both men need to learn to trust one another, as they haven't spoken except during missions. Due to the fact they now serve on different ships, that's not likely to change any time soon. When they did work together, that was the only time they spoke, really. Neither one asked the other for coffee, and they were both antisocial in their own ways.

Ceilidh Riverview

Counselor Ceilidh Riverview

CD met her during the aftermath of a combat drill. Chythar confessed his hatred of the position of counselor, making it perfectly clear he had no ill-will towards any one individual who held that position. His reasoning: "As soon as I find one I like, they leave." Unfortunately, they got to have one session of time before his transfer to the Garuda went through.

Raissa Moonsong

Counselor Raissa Moonsong

The two have had one counseling session already, and it is unknown if this will be the start of Chythar's Garuda score card of breaking counselors. At present, he strongly suspects that the counselor is in conference with his former counselor about his unusual abilities.

Dr. Azin


Azin: ::Back tracking for a moment, Azin spoke in a compassionate way not seen in quite a long while.:: I fear I might have sapped your mental strength when we linked, by transferring the strength of your mind to mine, you have allowed me to break free of the essence within me that has been exacerbated by the anomaly's effects. :: Putting a hand on the Doctor's shoulder, Azin spoke firmly but still with the same unusual compassion he was displaying.:: Your mental capacity for putting up walls around your mind is impressive, such strength comes from confrontation, and I know you have had much pain in your life. — Azin to Dr. Skyfire

Dr. Azin is a very interesting character. It is to this individual that CD owes his 'gift' of telepathy and empathy with other humans due to a mind meld that went wrong. Chythar volunteered to help Azin overcome some sensory difficulties using his mental fortitude.

Nic del Vedova

Nic Del Vedova

When Chythar arrived on the Garuda, imagine how strange for him it must've been not to see anyone who was the acting chief medical officer. He didn't know whom he was writing reports to, just addressed them all to CMO. Sure enough, they landed on Del Vedova's desk and the two met during their shore leave. At first, Nic attempted to offer Skyfire the job of assistant chief. CD didn't give an immediate answer.

Cassandra Egan Manno

Skyfire: I understand you said this was a volunteer mission and I'm the only man in teal who did volunteer. Why did you ask me to accompany you in the yacht, out of all the fine officers you have and just promoted?

:: Her response was immediate and spoken all in a low voice. ::

Egan Manno: Because I want to be the one to find them, Doctor. And whatever's happened, I want to make sure they're alright. Both of them, no matter what. Harrison Ross was my first officer; Quinn Reynolds is my -- friend; and they're both members of my crew, which means I will look out for them, and that doesn't just mean locating the Thunderbird. — Skyfire and Egan Manno.

Cassandra Egan Manno

During the rescuing of Captain Reynolds, Skyfire's assistance proved useful for a few reasons: one, he was somewhat telepathic. Two, he was a doctor. It wasn't until during shore leave, however, that he discovered the real reason for a trip to the captain's office -- to find out whether he accepted the position of assistant chief from Del Vedova. After explaining a bit about his ambitions, it was decided that he was the new assistant since Kotir had gone on leave.


During his time at Starfleet, he's come to know a few people whom he considers his friends. Those who would support him or otherwise be an ear for him when he's going through something he needs to work out.

Mandany Rose

Dany was the first who learned about Chythar's panic attack during his pre-Starfleet years that cause him intense stress when he's under pressure, and is one of the few to whom he has explained his complicated cipher system. She taught him how to recognize the languages he'd lapse into under stress, and encouraged him to keep a 'stress log' that records his thoughts as he panics and starts to lapse into other languages.

Counselor Mandany Rose

Ryoji Chibitsu

Image Not On File

Met CD during his Starfleet Academy years, when he was training at the academy to become a science officer. It was through his interactions with Chibitsu he discovered his calling was actually to medicine. He is the only person who can actually get inside Skyfire's head and keep him from losing his mind. He's also one of the lucky few who has a copy of Skyfire's ciphers. As far as Chythar knows, still stationed on Starbase 118 and not answering messages.

Alden Cuthbert

These two men met during their time together on Starbase 118 Ops. Cuthbert was stabbed with a contact poison during the Pythia's Tale -- Chythar and Folds created a wintergreen tea adrenal to save his life.

Alden Cuthbert

Cuthbert and CD became friends soon after, though shortly after that nearly fatal incident Cuthbert took an LOA.

Anscom Folds

Chythar met him when they served together on board Starbase 118 Ops, and together they saved the life of Ensign Alden Cuthbert. Folds was grateful to have Chythar in the medical department.

Dr. Anscom Folds

. They got along well, though in the end it was Anscom who was promoted to Chief Medical Officer of the USS Excalibur-A. Chythar was bitter and surprised for all of about 10 seconds, but he understood.

Sal Taybrim

Sal Taybrim

Met in the aftermath of Pythia's Tale on board the USS Excalibur-A, Chythar had a few sessions with Sal Taybrim and managed to get to know him a bit. Then, unexpectedly, Sal was transferred to the Darwin. Sal promised CD an open line if he ever needs it, and resulting in the young doctor building a gradual hatred of counselors; he sees Sal as the third one he's lost. It was during that time that he realized he loved Sal as a brother rather than as a romantic interest.

By a lucky transfer request, Taybrim returns to the Excalibur, though in the position of science as opposed to counselor. The two men begin to form a mental connection, caused by Sal's damaged telepathy. Later on, this connection evolves into a T4/E4 between the two men because of an accident during one of Chythar's treatments of a patient.

Then, the two men get separated yet again, but this time it is Chythar who leaves for the USS Garuda when he is unexpectedly transferred to the USS Garuda.

Kieran Collim

Chythar has served on the same crew as her since they were stationed at Starbase 118. However, they never formally spoke until one shoreleave after he developed his T2/E2 status and began establishing their friendship.

Kieran Collim

The next time they meet, he owes her a stew surprise since she was promised one and he was transferred before he could deliver.

Carter Greyson

Carter and Chythar are room mates aboard their new posting, USS Garuda. CD saved Carter's life after a console exploded on the bridge. The two are now best friends due to this one action.

Carter Greyson


Due to his introverted nature, he isn't exactly sure when he finds it. Once it's founds him, it will be listed here.

Debra Cross

Debra Cross

Debra Cross and Chythar met during the aftermath of a combat drill. The young doctor was giving her a physical when their eyes met for a moment. They began seriously talking during the wake of Fleet Captain Kali Nicholotti, and the romance was short-lived. The two are friends. Nothing more.