Garuda Crew History/Security

< Garuda Crew History
Revision as of 05:34, 12 July 2014 by Zephyr (talk | contribs) (Changed Shryker's status to reflect her transfer to the Atlantis 239107.11)
USS Garuda Crew History
Command Sciences Medical Intelligence
Engineering Helm/Com/Ops Security Tactical
Chief of Security
Insignia Rank Portrait Character Name From To
DS9style-lt gold.png Lieutenant Roster-jadematthews.jpg Jade Shryker 239103.29 239107.11
DS9style-ltcmdr gold.png Lt. Commander Roster-handleypage.jpg Leo Handley-Page 239012.29 239103.28
Assistant Chief of Security
DS9style-ltjg gold.png Lieutenant JG Roster-delano.jpg Evan Delano 239103.29 Present
DS9style-lt gold.png Lieutenant Roster-jadematthews.jpg Jade Shryker 239101.15 239103.28
Security Officer
DS9style-ltjg gold.png Lieutenant JG Roster-trellis.jpg Trel'lis 239012.25 239103.28
Crew history database lists only PCs (main characters) of the Garuda. Individuals are recorded at their highest ranks and positions before transfers, leaves of absence, and departures.