Tiger Deck Layout
The USS Tiger is divided into 9 decks, which contain the items listed below. Deck 1 is not contiguous, nor is Deck 2, and thus personnel will require a trip to lower decks en route to move between each section. The gaps between these sections are visible in the upper of the two diagrams to the left.
Also note the Deflector pod at the bottom of the top diagram. This is mounted to the Nacelles at the opposite end from the Saucer, as shown in the lower diagram. A Jefferies Tube runs along the inside edge of each Warp Nacelle to provide access to the Deflector pod in cases of emergency.
An annotated top view is available on the right hand side of this page, below the nav menu.
Deck 1
Bridge Module
- Main Bridge
- Conference Rooms 1 and 2
Port Hull Ridge
- Cargo Bays 1 & 2
- Escape Pods
Starboard Hull Ridge
- Medical Labs 1, 2 & 3 (former Cargo Bay 3)
- Cargo Bay 4
- Escape Pods
Deck 2
Bridge Module
- Ready Rooms (accessable only via staircase from Deck 1)
- Quarters
- Commanding Officer
- Executive Officer
- VIP/Guests (incl. Admirals & Ambassadors)
- Flight Control Department
Port Hull Ridge
- Computer Core 1
- Inertial Dampening Systems
Starboard Hull Ridge
- Computer Core 2
- Inertial Dampening Systems
Deck 3
- Quarters - Senior Staff
- Lt Clack (03-2021)
- ...and all other Senior staff, except CO & XO.
- Second Officers Office
- Holodeck 1
- Internal Communications Relay
- Life Support Systems
- Emergency Batteries
- Briefing Room (Divisible into 2 Conference Rooms)
- Bussard Ramscoops
Deck 4
- Sickbay
- Infirmary and Triage unit
- Chief Medical Officers Office
- Operation room 1
- Medical Storage
- Counsellors Office
- Operation room 2
- Intensive Care
- Life Sciences Department
- Lounge/Bar - D-10
- Shuttlebay
- Flight Control Room
- Transporter Room 1
- Transporter Room 2
- Power distribution
- Holodeck 2 (upper)
Deck 5
- Holodeck 2
- Security and Tactical Department
- Chief of Security's Office
- Chief Tactical Officers Office
- Brig
- Armoury
- Science Department:
- Chief Science Officers Office
- Astrophysics
- Stellar Cartography
- Planetary Sciences
- Labs (Physics, Biology, Chemistry)
Deck 6
- Gym
- Library
- Warp Core
- Reserve Warp Core
- Quarters - Enlisted Personnel & Non-Senior Officers
- Escape Pods
- Inertial Dampeners
Deck 7
- Main Engineering (Upper deck)
- Power distribution
- Impulse Engines
- Warp Core
- Reserve Warp Core
Deck 8
- Main Engineering
- Chief Engineers Office
- Warp Core
- Reserve Warp Core
- Deuterium storage
- Jefferies Tube 47 Alpha
- Relay 47A-42; Life Support power supply circuitry.
- Jefferies Tube 47 Bravo
- Quarters - Enlisted Personnel & Non-Senior Officers
- Cargo Bay 5
- Cargo Bay 6
Deck 9
Saucer Hull
- Antimatter Storage
- Deuterium storage
- Warp Core
- Reserve Warp Core
Deflector Pod
- Deflector Dish
- Deflector Control