
Template Documentation
Warns other Wiki users and readers that the content of the article might change rapidly. Advices that edits by other users are welcomed in the article talk page so not to clash with those by the user(s) who left the notice.

Add {{UC|section=yes}} if referring only to a section on a page.

Automatically adds the article to Category:Articles Undergoing Extensive Rewrite.

This notice is meant for temporary use only! Prolongued use without actual rewriting will discourage other users from editing the page. As such, the notice may be removed by any user if the article hasn't been edited in a fortnight (14 days). Additionally, the template will automatically remove the article from Category:Articles Undergoing Extensive Rewrite and add it to Category:Pages marked for rewrite without recent edits 2 months after the last edit. The timer resets after each edit.

The automatic recategorization is dependent on reloading the cache and might not function immediately after the period of 2 months has lapsed. Please review all articles marked with this template if needed.