Ronin Lost Crew

Remembering the Lost

Welcome to a memorial to those who have joined our crew, and have given their lives for the family that is the USS Ronin. There is a memorial on the USS Ronin for a visual place for our fallen to be remembered, the memorial will be a replica of the Epitaph; WW2 Allied War Memorial; Kohima, India and it will bear the motto of the Epitaph and the USS Ronin: "When you go home, tell them of us and say: For your tomorrow, we gave our today."

If anyone wished to share their memeories of our heros, please click there name and share your thoughts under the section entitled memories.

Captain Mar

The following is a list of personnel who gave their lives under the command of Captain Mar since she took command of the USS Ronin on Stardate 238311.29:

  1. Tomor Wharq - M.I.A. on Stardate Unknown
  2. Sonak - M.I.A. on Stardate Unknown
  3. Ashton Bendix - M.I.A. on Stardate Unknown
  4. Montana Orenda - M.I.A. on Stardate Unknown
  5. Cole Turner - M.I.A. on Stardate Unknown
  6. Seth Wulfram - M.I.A. on Stardate Unknown

Captain Walker

The following is a list of personnel who gave their lives under the command of Captain Walker since he took command of the USS Ronin on Stardate Stardate 238511.06:

  1. Remembering Mrs A. Shepard - Murdered on Stardate 238605.13
  • A special note. On Stardate 238605.27 Shuttle Craft, Fighters and Runabouts rallied together to defend the USS Ronin from an attack by two apparently Romulan ships manned by Ixvapyans. During this valiant time 89 lives were lost that day, below is a list of what and how many were lost:
  1. Remembering 1st Squadron - 11 of 16 Mauls destroyed, 22 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27
  2. Remembering 2nd Squadron - 12 of 16 Mauls destroyed, 24 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27
  3. Remembering 3rd Squadron - 6 of 8 Mauls destroyed, 12 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27
  4. Remembering 4th Squadron - 4 of 4 Mongeese destroyed, 8 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27
  5. Remembering Shuttle Craft Bonnockburn - Destroyed, 3 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27
  6. Remembering Shuttle Craft Boyne - Destroyed, 3 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27
  7. Remembering Shuttle Craft Chin'toka - Destroyed, 3 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27
  8. Remembering Shuttle Craft Gettysburg - Destroyed, 3 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27
  9. Remembering Shuttle Craft Thermopylae - Destroyed, 3 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27
  10. Remembering Shuttle Craft Trafalgar - Destroyed, 3 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27
  11. Remembering Runabout USS Murray - Destroyed, 5 lives lost on Stardate 238605.27

The Lost without Any Date

For those who were lost without any time

  1. A'nder Kanar