Lamemda III

Kivis Sector
Sigma Dorphus Sector
Free Haven Sector
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae

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Lamemda system Star  · I  · II  · III  · Belt  · IV


  • it's orbit is approximately 79 million km from it's star
  • a class M planet with a diameter of 11,173 km (6,983 miles).
  • a density of 5.8 and a gravity of 0.93 G's
  • an earth like atmosphere with a pressure of about 1.2 earth normal, with nitrogen 72%, oxygen 23% and other gases 3%
  • it has an axial tilt of 21% that results in earth like seasonal variations
  • temperatures and environmental conditions are extremely earth like
  • surface water over 57% of the planets surface with 61% of that being salt water oceans
  • with a year of 261 days, each day is 23 hours long
  • primary terrain features are wide wind swept plains and dense forested hills


  • unknown at this time


  • it has 2 small moons and 1 medium moon
  • Lamemda IIIa: is 915 km (572 miles) in diameter, with a density of 2.1 and a gravity of 0.03 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 25,491 km. (15,932 miles)
  • Lamemda IIIb: is 2,394 km (1,496 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.4 and a gravity of 0.12 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 27,932 km. (17,457 miles)
  • Lamemda IIIc: is 1,093 km (683 miles) in diameter, with a density of 2.3 and a gravity of 0.04 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 30,886 km. (19,304 miles)


According to the early histories recorded in the clanless city of Mon'gel, the Lamemda people have always been warrior nomads. They followed their herds accross the wide plains. The various clans fighting wars and raids, stealing livestock and struggleing to survive.

It was only when the clans started to grow in size that they began to build permanent camps. These camps slowly developed into cities and allowed the people to make advances in their technology. This was a very slow process.


Few extreme storms and most of them are near the poles. The rest of the planet has good rainfall, excellent growing seasons and mild winters.


No predators remain except in the polar regions or deep within the dense forested areas. They have a number of domesticated animals.


They do not have a central government and are divided up into large clans. Each clan claims a region and area of the huge wind blown plains. Each clan is governed by a Kagan who is the hereditary leader of the clan. He has the power of life and death over every member of his clan. His word is law.


The Lamemda are a short stocky race with many of the typical features of most humanoid species. The males are on average 5' to 5'8" and weight about 180 lbs to 240 lbs. The females are on average about 4,8 to 5'6" and weight about 100 lbs to 160 lbs.

They have flat features and a wide nose. They have black hair and brown eyes for the most part and their skin tone is a deep olive brown. Most of the males walk with a strange rolling, bow legged stride. Most females do not.

The males for the most part wear earth tones with a lot of leather in the form of jackets, pants, boots, belts and vests while females will wear more colorful clothes and no leather except for boots and belts.

Tech Level

No space travel yet but close to it. Excellent weapons and power systems.


They have a fairly good trade and production ability which supports their particular lifestyle and allows for advances in technology and luxury goods.


Their are an extimated 639 million Lamemda.

Starfleet Intelligence Files

No contact on record