Haseko Terei

PO 2nd Class Haseko Terei is currently serving as a Damage Control Engineer aboard the USS Doyle-A.

USS Doyle-A
Haseko Terei
Position Damage Control Engineer
Rank Petty Officer 2nd Grade
Species Modified Human
Gender Female
DOB 234704.09
Age 54
Birthplace Mashike District, Hokkaido, Terra


  • Height: 4' 5" (137.16 cm)
  • Weight: 100lb (45.35 kg)
  • Hair: Black.
  • Eyes: Glowing Gold.
  • Build: Slim.


Habeas has had a long and interesting life. She was at one time a decorated Marine, but all that came to an end in some meaningless combat somewhere coreward from Earth. At the time, she was a 1st Lt, by the name of Katashima Takanare. At the time, her squad of Marines were deployed in some brush fire, and she was shot and killed. Normally, that would be it.

However, before she really died, her body simply vanished. It turns out that a race of bug like aliens had been the inciters all along, and they had abducted her with the ideas of enhancing her for the Joining. Except, they really didn't understand human DNA, and many of the enhancements meant to make her better really made her worse. She was shoved into a stasis unit for the trip back to their homeworld, and had things continued at the point, she would have probably died anyway.

However, she was rescued by a Starfleet ship who detected human biosigns on board the ship. It took them 3 years, but they were able to revert the majority of the damage. However, it did give her sharper eyesight. And rejuvenated her to a younger woman. Finally, in SD 239206.22 , she was able to get the paperwork cleared and rather than getting her old name back, she chose a new one. Bit more paperwork, in any situation.

Service History

NPC Listing   ·   USS Doyle-A Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Selene Faranfey
Sabrina Holly
Ceciri Hakashri
Mission Spec.
David Cody
Security Ofc.
Aidoann Danara
Security Ofc.
John Nugra
Engineer Ofc.
Cassandra Ezi
Engineering Ofc.
Akeen th'Idrani
Amuro McKnight
Talia Kaji
Chief Medical Ofc.
Alexander Bishop
Brandon Craig
Civilian Nurse
Gewel D'piere
Michelle Tonston
Intel Ofc.
Lan Riel
Chief Tac. Ofc.
Tal Tel-ar
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