Awards Ceremony, 2005

Presented by Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf

I would like to once again thank all the members of UFOP: StarBase 118 for another banner year. We're going in to our twelfth year in July, and I am continually struck, every time I think about it, that there is an organization like ours that has lasted this long. It is through the motivation, creativity, and loyalty of the members and staff of this group that we continue to be the most high-quality (and undervalued!) Star Trek organization on the internet today.

For those of you who haven't been with us very long, let me tell you that the Award Ceremonies are one of the most trying, but rewarding times for the staff. Compiling the list of award recipients can be tedious and difficult, but in the end, it is something that I am so glad I get to do. There is no better way to show the people we SIM with just how much we appreciate their efforts. This is a tradition we've had for many years now, and one that I hope continues for many more.

And so, this year's awards are presented below. We've chosen to return to the Out Of Character format to give everyone the proper attention they deserve.

Let's start with the list of the Duty Post awards, which have been kept under tight wraps until now:

Prantares Ribbon - Medical Officer of the Year: Julia Elizabeth Harden (Victory)

Natasha Yar Pin - Security Officer of the Year: Kalin Terpes (Kodiak)

Cochrane Award - Science Officer of the Year: T'Lea (Columbia)

Sisko Tactical Cross - Tactical Officer of the Year: Rode Mitchell (Ops)

Pilot's Sextant - Helm Officer of the Year: Revek Kenta (Kodiak)

Order of the Valiant Heart - Counseling Officer of the Year: T'Lara Cha'Stelin (Ops)

Voyager Medallion - Operations Officer of the Year: Kael Mason Thomas (Aurora)

I'd also like to announce the winner of the Kalendra Award, which some of you know is for the officer who has crafted the most devious and unexpected plot twists. This award goes to Sam Nigel Perkins, of the Kodiak -- congratulations to him.

For the next award, here are the words of Fleet Captain Xan Hebron:

Once again we come to a point within UFOP: StarBase 118 where we recognize those who have gone far beyond serving. These people we recognize today are the perfect examples of the men and women who have dedicated time to upholding the principles this fine organization was built upon. Today I have the auspicious privilege of awarding the James T. Kirk Cross. It's never easy starting out as a captain, but then doubling up as an Ambassador to a potential member of the Federation whilst going against the Romulans and Zalkonians on a planet that may have more secrets than you'd like. It is amazing how he has yet to have a heart attack. Rocar has taken on a major project in developing the Embassy at Duronis II. This is a project that would not be easy to accomplish even as a second or third year Captain. Rocar, however, has accomplished this in his first year of Captaincy. By allowing multiple away missions and people to move between the missions he fosters a more cohesive group of crew members than many might see on a ship. He has done a wonderful job revitalizing this project. I am certain we can expect great things to come from this new Captain. This year the James T. Kirk Cross is awarded to none other than Rocar Drawoh Hilzarie. I wish to congratulate him for a job well done. I can think of no other who is more deserving.

Next, it my privilege to present the Sarek Star. This award is somewhat symbolic, as it's description says it is given to a command officer who shows extreme diplomatic ability." We often give this award to those staff members who "have a way with people." These are those who help us smooth over the administrative efforts of the group and ensure that we face as little adversity as possible in that arena. Captain Mal Avatar has done just that, coming off a full year of Captains Council Magistrate. Often a voice of reason, the Executive Council is appreciative that we have staff who can help grease the wheels. Congratulations, Captain Avatar, on your superb work as Magistrate, and also on your move to the Captain at Large position on the Executive Council.

Let's, for a moment, remember an officer who has resigned his commission to pursue other paths within the real world. RAdml. Hollis Calley presents: The Katherine Janeway Award has a long history with SB118 UFOP dating back to its first recipient FC Elinor of Kanist in 1996. For those who don’t know, Elinor of Kanist was one of the fundamental funding members of UFOP working on the first administrative council, writing the reporter, and running training.

The award is given to Captains who have stepped down from command after several years of service. It celebrates what they achieved while with UFOP and the new direction their life has taken. Most recent member include Cpt. Terra, Cpt. James, and FC Adler Wong. Cpt. James left command at the birth of his daughter. FC Wong retired from UFOP when she got in the her own words, ‘a dream job.

This year we honor the retirement of Captain Draigon who served as magistrate and CAL during his time as Captain. During the last couple years he was recognized as a fair and temperament member of the Captain’s Council gaining universal respect. He retired this last year when he received a RL promotion at work.

It is with great pleasure and fond memories that the Executive Council awards Captain Draigon the Katherine Janeway Award.

And now, one award that is presented to multiple players. Again, Hollis Calley:

"The Strange Medallion was first given in 1999 to Captain San Aquiss. Since then its recipients represent not only some of the best First Officers of the fleet, but also our group's rising stars. Names like Avatar, McCall, Varaan, Rocar, and Rhys are well known in the fleet and are all recipients of this award.

"This year we are adding to more to the ranks of the Strange Medallion. Both these officers are undergoing their practical exam for Captaincy the natural progression for an excellent FO.

"Of Commander Phoenix, recently retired Captain Hurne said, ‘Those that no him no he is totally dedicated to this group -- moreover to the Victory as my XO.’ When Captain Hurne retired, Phoenix stepped forward to take on the challenge of maintaining Victory with aplomb.

"Commander T'pen is described by Captain Hutton: ‘She consistently writes deeply interesting sims that not only develop her character but also engage in creative dialogue with others. T'Pen is also a consummate OOC writer who always checks in with other simmers to see how they may work together to develop a story.’ Most recently, when Captain Hutton was transferred to Morningstar, T'pen smoothly took on the role of CO to the crew that now serve on the USS Walton.

"I applaud both officers past achievements that have lead to the Strange Medallion, and look forward to their future activity within UFOP: StarBase 118."

And it's with excitement that I give you FltCapt. Jessa Anassasi, presenting a new award:

"The next award to be presented is the ‘Sarpeidon Award.’ This is a new award for outstanding contributions to our group's Wiki. Sarpeidon was the world in TNG's ‘All Our Yesterdays,’ in which the planet's population created a library containing their entire world's history. This is, in essence, what our wiki strives to become: a collection of our group's history and a simming database.

"Our first recipient has a strong history of OOC activity within the fleet, previously winning the Nebula Bar. He is currently serving as a forum moderator and a Training Academy assistant in addition to his work on the Wiki. This member has created new training scenarios as well as a wide variety of Wiki articles on various planetary environments and under-developed species. His most notable work is on the Par'tha Expanse and the Duronis Embassy. It is with pleasure that the Executive Council awards Commander Varaan the Sarpeidon Award."

And finally, the most exciting part of the ceremony for me: command promotions! We certainly don't do these as often as we should, but this year we're making up for lost time.

I'd like to start with a Captain who has done very solid work over the past few years. Although he has been one of the quieter members of the Captains Council, the Executive Council still values his attitude and abilities within our group. He has run a stable ship, and has been easy to work with over the course of his tenure as a Commanding Officer. Indeed, recently he even undertook a move to a new vessel that was almost unprecedented in our group. For all of his fine work, and his willingness to help the group in a time of need, there is no officer more deserving of a promotion than Captain Christopher Hutton. By replacing his four pips with one pip enclosed within a square, he will now be known as Fleet Captain Christopher Hutton.

And now for an officer that most of us would have a difficult time pinning down, due to her busy schedule of commanding a vessel and being the Commandant of our training Academy, among other things. Without her tireless work in the Academy, we would not be where we are today. Coordinating this area of our group is often a thankless job, but one that is critical to the survival of our group. And for all of this hard work and perseverance, Jessa deserves the promotion to Rear Admiral -- adding another pip to her collar.

And last, another officer who has been waiting a long time for this promotion: Hollis Calley. I personally have worked with Hollis for over three years now, and have found him to be one of the most capable, intelligent, and thoughtful people in our fleet. A leader instinctually, a natural listener, and an amazing plot-weaver, Hollis is most deserving of the promotion from Rear Admiral to Vice Admiral. I hope that he remains with the group for another five years, guiding us through all of the wonderful times we have ahead.

With that, I close the 2005 Award Ceremonies, and wish everyone the best of journeys through 2006. Thank you again for all your dedication to this community.