Alix Ozera

Revision as of 10:55, 23 August 2011 by Sky Blake (talk | contribs) (Forgot a word)

Lieutenant JG or 1st Lieutenant Alixis Ozera is an officer that bounces between a Marine officer and an Intelligence officer. He was last a Diplomatic officer aboard USS Zmey, but the only thing he did was sit . . . and run from Borg. His new assignment is the USS Ronin as a Marine/Intelligence officer.

USS Ronin


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  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Terran
  • Position: Marine/Intelligence Officer
  • Rank: Lieutenant JG/1st Lieutenant
  • Assigned Ship: USS Ronin NCC-34523
  • Current Captain: Commander Tallis Rhul


  • Full Name: Alixis Alexander Ozera
  • Race: Terran
  • Age: 26
  • Place of Birth: Earth
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic Status: T/E0


Although said to be a little crazy, Alix puts the needs of others in front of his own, even if they're strangers. He's a very likable person, although his ideas are weird and crazy.


  • Height: 6'0
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Length of Hair: Short and shaggy
  • Eye Color: Sapphire blue
  • Skin tone: Slightly Pale
  • Birthmarks, Scars, Tattoos: Scar down his forearm that goes to the palm of his right hand.
  • Build: Athletic
  • Taste in clothing (Off Duty): Anything that comes out of the draw first.
  • Hand: Right
  • Body Modifications:
    • Hand was amputated by the Borg while in a fight. He was lucky that he wasn't assimilated, but his hand was replaced. Unfortunately, the Zmey's medical facilities were not ideal at the time, so the Engineering department created a new hand for him. It wasn't until 238806.10 that the Medical department was able to put artifical skin on it, although it was not fitted correctly. Alix says that having the skin on there feels like he's wearing a rubber glove that he can pull off easily. He has a leather strap on his wrist to make sure that no one notices the seperation between the fake skin and the metal.
  • Birth Defects:
    • Cannot see Primary Colors. His commanding officers are aware of this.


  • Favorite Room: None known
  • Habits: None that are showed


Gold fish named Zmey


Originally training to be a Diplomat, Alix had a change of heart when his ship, the USS Zmey, turned out to be a war ship, battling the Borg. He ended up joing the Marines, stating that he did so to "get rid of the stingy bastards". Alix was reassigned to the Ronin as a Marine/Intelligence officer. Depending on the situation, he could be one or both, regardless of the fact that it's an unusual combination.

Three of the boys on a holodeck program, betting with fake money which represented more holodeck time over which man at the bar was the drunkest. Unfortunately, Pouge won this bet, and both Lix and Jack weren't allowed on the Holodeck for the next month while Pouge and Jacob swum.

While at the Academy, Alix was apart of the winning Hunter teams; Team Blake. He was apart of the small group of three; Sky Blake, Renae Sullivan and himself.

Unfortunately, during one of the matches, Team Black caused a rock-slide to cave in his team's base, and they were almost crushed. His friends, Jacob Cobalt, Pouge Romey and Jack Hardy were apart of the resuce team to get them out. Renae was the only one to escape injury, while Lix had dislocated his shoulder and Sky had a concusion and a broken forearm.

After serving with his friends aboard the Zmey, Lix managed to get himself a transfer after an event with the Borg that cost him his hand. He now has a duranium one, and Commodore Boasley, his commanding officer, continually checks in on him to make sure he's okay. Lix says he doesn't remember what happened and only Pouge and Jack know. This has been proved to be true, and Lix was reassigned to the USS Ronin, which was less likely to encounter any Borg.

While on the Ronin, he was reunited with his old Academy friend Sky Blake.


He is the subordinate





None known


None, although he seems to have an interest in Lieutenant Blake



NPC Listing   ·   USS Ronin Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Karrod Niac
First Officer
Toryn Raga
Ian O'Connor
Chief Tact/Sec
Kirsty L.Carpenter
Sec. Officer
T’Fearne Elaazni
Chief Engineer
Marty Tucker
Engineering Officer
Keneth Nakada
Ops Officer
Tess Evinrude
Acting CSO
Luxa Lorana
Science Officer
Sybil Nemes
Quentin Beck
Chief Surgeon
V'Len Kel
Medical Officer
Alyndra Syrex
Chief Counselor
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