User:Canreb/Updated Race info


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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Canreb/Updated Race info
Four Letter Code
Federation Status Allied
Planet of Origin Zakdor
Encountered A Zakdorn strategist came on board the USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-D for battle training games (Peak Performance, TNG.)
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N+
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Humanoid race reputed to be formidable warriors and regarded for over 9000 years to be the greatest strategic minds in the galaxy. This reputation is so strong that it has not been tested in recent memory. While many Zakdorn find employment as strategists or planners, the resounding majority serve in bureaucratic or minor political positions. Physically, the Zakdorn do not meet their reputation. They have pale blue/grey skin with many folds, and the majority of Zakdorns are obese and weak. This has not affected their reputation, however, and Zakdorn strategists are of great value to Starfleet's Tactical Command.


Intelligent Lifeform Index

Canreb/Updated Race info
Four Letter Code ZLDN
Federation Status Allied
Planet of Origin Zaldor
Encountered By the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D (TNG: "Coming of Age")
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level M
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Federation race completely humanoid in appearance save for a webbed membrane between the fingers and slightly amphibious features. As a culture, Zaldans are infuriated by courtesy, viewing it as a form of phoney social behaviour designed to camouflage true feelings. This has meant they have found integration into the galactic society difficult. Once this is taken into account, however, they are a friendly and helpful people.


Intelligent Lifeform Index

Canreb/Updated Race info
Four Letter Code Zalk
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Zalkon, in the Zeta Gelis Cluster.
Encountered First contact in 2366. "Transfigurations" TNG.
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level X- (They have limited interstellar technology but advanced weapons technology on par with the Federation. Among their technology, Zalkonians have developed a projectable paralysis field that can strangle the crews of nearby vessels.)
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Humanoid race distinguished by multiple horizontal facial ridges. They desired to be isolated in 2366 at first contact with the UFP, as some of its natives were undergoing metamorphosis into non-corporeal creatures. The first sign of a Zalkonian turning into a non-corporeal entity is when they start to exhibit painful isoelectric bursts. Zalkonians are ruled by a repressive government that seeks to destroy all those who exhibit signs of this change. Within four years, at least some natives were involved with the Maquis on Volan III.


Intelligent Lifeform Index

Canreb/Updated Race info
Four Letter Code
Federation Status Allied
Planet of Origin Zeta Tau II
Encountered Unknown
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
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Zaranites are Semi-Humanoid and have shiny light-brown skin and breathe carbon dioxide. Zaranites always wear a heavy metallic mask with twin air hoses leading to a small environmental backpack, when in class M environments. They virtually always wear heavy grey robes in public.



Intelligent Lifeform Index

Canreb/Updated Race info
Four Letter Code zeta
Federation Status Allied
Planet of Origin Zetar, near Klingon Space
Encountered By the USS Enterprise NCC-1701. "The Lights of Zetar" TOS.
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level X
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Mysterious non-corporeal life forms. An unknown catastrophe on Zetar destroyed all corporeal life but separated out the intelligences of the dominant Zetarian humanoids. The surviving Zetarian entities have travelled space for millennia and may be completely immortal. They need no spacecraft and can travel up to .999c without assistance. All travellers should be warned that the Zetarians are seeking humanoid bodies to inhabit. When they find a physiologically compatible body they will take possession of it. The Zetarian presence can be removed by controlled decompression therapy.
