Indivar Ellasi

Revision as of 11:40, 9 October 2010 by Chen (talk | contribs)

o Full Name: Indivar Bryan Ellasi

o Birthdate: 232307.01

o Birth Place: Earth

o Gender: Male

o Species: Human

o Hair Color: Dark Brown

o Hair Length: Medium

o Eye Color: Green

o Height: 6'0"

o Weight: 165 lbs


o Father: Cole Ellasi

o Mother: Alira Ellasi

o Siblings: Kelda Ellasi

o Spouse: N/A

Personal History Ellasi was born on Earth as one of two children under Cole and Alira Ellasi. Having lived in San Francisco, he has grown up with seeing many people from Starfleet on a regular basis. Being in this atmosphere is what motivatedhim to apply for starfleet.

When he was young he wasn't really like that much in school. Having been on the wealthy side as he grew up caused discomfort among his peers, and they ridiculed him for it. He learned to take karate as a way to defend himself, so when he applied for Starfleet he thought he'd be going as a Marine, but his thinking skills, and his empathy and desires have led him to being a counselor, tactical, or helm.

Personality From his treatment from his peers, he has found a personal desire to do helppeople. He is naturally empathetic, and tries his best to feel where the other person is coming from. Despite everything, he has remained a rather social individual, always looking for friends.

Quirks: He is a bit OCD, and always likes things perfect. He also prefers using chopsticks instead of a fork when he eats.

Likes: Noodles, Forests, Talking to new Friends, Training.

Dislikes: Cold, Intense Wind, Unable to keep his mouth shut, solitude, slugs.

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