“If happy little bluebirds fly, Beyond the rainbow, Why, oh, why can't I?”

Dorothy Gale; Wizard Of Oz


Hey, ya'll this is me, Alyssa, better known as Aly. I Currently live in Colorado where I am a middle school special education teacher (6-8) with a minor in American sign language. Overall I am a huge Star Trek fan, mostly for DS9 and Voyager. I can't wait to sim with everyone here.

My personal theme song is: Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Judy Garland

Personal Timeline

  • Born April 3, 2000
  • Graduated high school spring 2018
  • Worked my first summer as a camp counselor (summer 2018)
  • Started college fall 2018
  • Sent in my application on 118 November 29, 2018
  • Graduated from the academy on December 10, 2018
    • Since graduating from the academy I have served on both the USS Montreal and USS Astraeus.
  • Switched PC's from Beelam Grog to Sheila Bailey on March 29, 2019
  • Worked my second summer as a camp counselor (summer 2019)
  • Beelam Grog came back as a PNPC June 11, 2019
  • Chen was first used as a PNPC June 11, 2019
  • Promoted to Lt. JG with Sheila Bailey on June 27, 2019
  • Received the Genesis Award on June 27, 2019
  • Went on LOA for a month in August 2019
  • Started my second year of college Fall 2019
  • September 21 2019, my first sim from Chen's POV
  • September 2019: First month I'm proud of being full time
  • Got posted to Ops on November 18 2019 due to unfortunate circumstances
  • My one year anniversary of my application on November 29 2019
  • Introduced Roox Penelope during the Ops 239611-12 mission
  • Introduced Roox Deana, Penelope's sister, during shore leave of 239704
  • Introduced Eireen Bryne during shore leave of 239706-07
  • Graduated collage May 2023

My Characters

A lot of my characters take after one of the roles the face claim has played.


Active PC

Due to some OOC issues writing for Sheila Bailey I was tasked to create a new PC and Haukea-Willow, a passionate, open-minded and hyperactive Risian security officer was born. Her face claim is Maya Hawke, yet I find she takes more after my own care free unbothered attitude than either Maya Hawke or the character Robin Buckley that she played in Stranger Things.


Sheila Bailey
Inactive PC

Sheila Bailey became my PC after I had to retire Beelam for a while as she was becoming to difficult to write with out a plan/direction for the character. Sheila Bailey has become a character that flirts with woman as a way to make my sims more light and humors. Sheila represents the side of me that is confident and advocates for herself.

  • For more information about the Elaysian species check out Elaysian
  • Inspired by Sara Lance From Legends of Tomorrow.

Roox Penelope
Inactive PNPC

I have not yet fully figured out this character. She is hyper as well as a day dreamer. If I had to say at this moment in time she would referent my fun loving side. She is care free. A combination between Ray from Star Wars and Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.


Eireen Bryne
Inactive PNPC

Eireen Bryne has not yet been written into a sim other than a brief verbal description. So far all I know is that she is a very sassy lassie.

  • Inspired by Jean Grey from the live action X-Men prequel movies

Roox Deana
Inactive PNPC

Roox Deana is a classy business woman. This aspect shows my need for order and organization is certain parts of my life.

  • Inspired by Wonder Woman.

Beelam Grog
Inactive PNPC/PC

Beelam Grog was my original PC. When I started I had no plans for this character but after writing her having her first 'meltdown' I realized she was turning into being an autistic character. After a second 'meltdown' and then a third even worse one involving her hosts I realized with the help of German Galven's writer I had to retire the character for a while. I switched PC's to Sheila Bailey. In early June I brought back Beelam as a PNPC as I felt I could write her better having an idea of what she was facing. Beelam Grog represents the side of me that is unsure and anxious.

  • Inspired by Claudia Donovan From Warehouse 13.

Inactive PNPC

Chen has only been written for a few times so far. All I know is that he is a very romantic character; just what I need to keep my other two characters in check. He is the perfect gentleman representing my loving, caring side.

  • Inspired by Logan Howlett From X-Men.

Character Disabilites

  • Haukea-Willow: None
  • Bailey: Mobility difficulties due to gravity
  • P. Roox: Speech impediment
  • Bryne: Deaf and a coordination disorder
  • D. Roox: OCD and ADHD
  • Grog: Sensory processing disorder and anxiety
  • Chen: None



  • Myself
    • 2396/2019
  • 2397/2020
  • Beelam Grog
Friends in high places
It's all in the details
A face for the name
It takes two
It's part of the job


User:Beelam Grog/sandbox: Sheila's Office

OOC Awards

Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Genesis Award 239606.27
2019 Award ceremony; Astraeus
With her predilection toward playing characters with traits traditionally considered a handicap, Aly, the player behind Nurse Beelam Grog and Doctor Sheila Bailey, has faced unique challenges in developing her character. She's overcome a great deal with regards to putting her in situations that force change. She's come a long way as a writer and has created a unique backstory that allows others to interact with her character in interesting ways.
1-year Member 239706.28
2020 Award ceremony; 118 Ops
Sheila Bailey, graduated from training on December 11, 2018
B-Plot Award 239706.26
2020 Award ceremony; 118 Ops
Lieutenant Bailey lets her character’s background shine through in every post. She manages to do this while keeping focus on the main plot and sprinkling in interesting little details about her character’s life, by explaining about the disadvantage Sheila has due to the difference in gravity she is used to. But also the history with her uncle keeps popping up like little teasers and not to mention the attention to detail when describing her attire when on shore leave for example. As an extra treat, this information and many pictures are added to her character bio-page making it easy and fun for other writers to dive into the Lieutenant’s life story.
Sheathed Sword 239706.26
2020 Award ceremony; 118 Ops
There are some species who come naturally with disadvantages and struggles. It takes a strong and committed writer to really delve into the realism of applying and over coming them. Aly, Sheila Bailey’s writer, chose an Elaysian to play as her primary character. This species is from a much lower gravity planet, which means she’s had to learn to traverse the universe with the aid of machines equipment. She poses realistic troubles of trying to run with crutches, which can on occasion result in tripping and falling. She dives into the physical changes her body has to go through as she adapts to the heavier gravity. Including discomfort, slowing down, thoughts and feeling that come with it as well. But she isn’t so invested in these disabilities that she’s unwilling to find ways to better her character’s health and well being. Lt Bailey seeks out the aid of Starbase 118 Ops’ engineering corps with the hope to better her equipment and mobility. There’s no perfect fix-all solution, but there’s better ways and Aly goes through all the motions to make Lt Baileys transitions, changes and growth feel very real. You want to cheer with her with each new achievement!
Xalor Clan Xifilis Award 239706.28
2020 Award ceremony; 118 Ops
Presented by Sal Taybrim: "Aly, the player behind Lieutenant JG Sheila Bailey, is an incredibly strong player who is passionate about disability awareness and portraying characters that are not disabled, but differently-abled, showing a true depth of characterization and an honest willingness to explore these characters and allow others to learn more about those characters through writing.

In the tradition of all the best characters in fiction, Aly’s characters are in part a reflection of herself and some of her real-life struggles. Some days she does not have the energy to write and Aly communicates well with her fellow crew on days when she needs to rest or take a break, and still maintains a full time posting and excellent writing. We can see in her love for her characters, a passion for this awareness in real life, as well as an overwhelming strength to shine through difficult times and bring something truly creative and meaningful to out simming on StarBase 118 Ops.

Aly, you have grown to be a brilliant and respected simmer on StarBase 118 and this shines through all the effort and passion you put into your writing. I am so proud to be able to recognize all your hard work and honor you in this year’s fleetwide awards!"

3-year Member 2300
2022 Award Ceremony; 118 Ops
Recognition for three years in the community.
Natasha Yar Pin 240007.07
2023 Award ceremony; 118 Ops
Aly, the writer behind Haukea-Willow, faced some challenges in the past year which led to her creating a brand new character - Haukea-Willow in a brand new department - Security. Change can be difficult and scary at the time, but in the case of Haukea-Willow, Aly has found the place where she can absolutely shine. Her portrayal of a security officer with a sweet demeanor and a heart of gold seems like an unusual choice at first - because a security officer is a position where 'sweet' doesn't usually factor into the equation.

Yet, it works, and it works well. It works well because when in a position like this, it can be easy to always see the bad side of people, but Haukea-Willow breathes a breath of fresh air into the role. She would much rather discuss matters than resort to violence, yet that doesn't mean she's a push over. When the going gets tough, she gets tough with it. There's a time for talk and there's a time for action, and Willow can engage in both when the situation calls for it.

This makes her a versatile and effective security officer who has been able to quickly create fresh bonds with her fellow crew and new relationships with her fellow security officers. Coupled with the admirable amount of detail that Aly put into her sims, her character’s personality, family and background, I could not be more proud to see how well she has grown into this new role and developed Hauka-Willow as a lovable character on Ops. It is my pleasure to recognize all of her hard work with the Natasha Yar Pin!

Laudean Commendation 240107.01
2024 Award ceremony; 118 Ops
Over the past few years, Aly has continuously added to Risian lore on SB118 through her character, Haukea-Willow, who she portrays with passion and her own unique style of writing.

Aly has given us glimpses into Risian festivals, food and drink, biology, psychology and culture, while on a personal note, she has also given us insights into Haukea-Willow’s past, her upbringing and history as an officer in the Risian security forces.

She has done all of this by seamlessly weaving these references into her sims, accomplishing some detailed and interesting world and species-building, naturally, over the course of her time playing this character. You have done a fantastic job, Aly and I am very proud to recognize you!

5-year Member 240107.02
2024 Award Ceremony; 118 Ops
Recognition for five years in the community; Haukea-Willow, graduated from the academy August 14, 2018