Marty Tucker

Revision as of 01:29, 14 January 2024 by Marty Tucker (talk | contribs)

Lieutenant JG Marty Tucker is currently serving as Acting Chief Of Engineering on the USS Ronin.

USS Ronin
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Martin "Marty" Atticus Tucker IV
Position Acting Chief Of Engineering
Rank Lieutenant JG
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 237508.11
Age 26
Birthplace Newberg, Oregon
Writer ID D240008MT1


  • Height: 1.88m
  • Weight:113.3 kg
  • Hair: Reddish Brown
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Build: Lean


Luxa Lorana

Luxa Lorana is a rival of Marty; they've had a hate/hate relationship. Tuck is still unsure what set her off, but she's been a thorn in his side from day one aboard the Ronin.

Quentin Beck

Quentin Beck is Marty's roommate and friend.


  • Father: Martin Atticus Tucker III
  • Mother: Jean Tucker


Marty was born in beautiful Oregon wine country to Marty and Jean Tucker. Growing up in a winery and small town was only somewhat idyllic. Early on, he learned hard work as he was expected to help around the winery. And that he would, at a young age, show a propensity for fixing things from the family's transporter to harvesting equipment.

He graduated from Admiral Jonathan Archer High School in Molalla, Oregon, towards the top of his class. He turned down a chance to attend MIT to attend CalTech in Pasadena, California. He had considered enlisting after college, but a career day on campus changed that. The recruiter convinced him to attend the Academy and be the first in his family to earn a commission. His father and grandfather were in Starfleet, though they served as NCOs, obtaining the rank of Senior Master Chief.

Once he graduated from CalTech, he would enroll in Starfleet. Coming from a small town, it took Marty a while to adjust to academy life. But once he did, he cruised through the engineering program. During his off time, he found a couple of hobbies well, one hobby and another a bit questionable. He developed a fondness for cooking, something he learned by having a restaurant at the winery.

He also had a knack for "creative redistribution of goods." If you couldn't find it on campus, Tuck (as his friends would call him) could most likely obtain it. Nothing large, though there was the Risian Snapping Sea Turtle incident at the Academy pool. He's not allowed to talk about it, and it's a sore spot with upper command at the Academy. While it won him some friends, it got him in trouble nonetheless.

Service Record

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2396 - 2400 Starfleet Academy Cadet
Ensign SD 240008.30-240009.20 Denali Station Engineering Officer
Ensign SD 240009.20-240101.06 USS Ronin Engineering Officer
Lieutenant JG SD 240101.06-PRESENT USS Ronin Acting Chief Engineer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 240008.30
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Legacy Ribbon 240101.06
USS Ronin
Awarded to an individual who has served during the reactivation of an existing vessel.
Tholian Campaign Ribbon 240101.06
USS Ronin
Awarded to any individual who participates in a conflict against the Tholians..
Distinguished Service Ribbon 240101.06
USS Ronin
Awarded to individuals who distinguished themselves by extraordinary heroism.
Lifesaving Ribbon 240101.06
USS Ronin
Awarded to an individual who has saved a life.

SIM Archives

NPC Listing   ·   USS Ronin Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Karrod Niac
First Officer
Toryn Raga
Ian O'Connor
Chief Tact/Sec
Kirsty L.Carpenter
Chief Engineer
Marty Tucker
Ops Officer
Tess Evinrude
Sec. Officer
T’Fearne Elaazni
CSO & 2O
Science Officer
Luxa Lorana
Science Officer
Sybil Nemes
Quentin Beck
Medical Officer
Alyndra Syrex
Chief Counselor
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