John Kendrick

Revision as of 07:27, 26 June 2021 by John Kendrick (talk | contribs)

Ensign John Kendrick is currently serving as a Security Officer aboard the USS Juneau.

USS Juneau
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John Kendrick
Position Security Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 237508.11
Age 26
Birthplace Kendrick’s Palace
Writer ID J239801JK3



  • Height: 1.8m
  • Weight: 72kg
  • Hair: Dark Brown
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Build: Athletic


Family Background

John was born into a wealthy family, living in a sector just outside Federation controlled space. His father, Bill Kendrick, leads the Universal Trading Company (UTC) which unites 47 independent freighters in search for business, trading and transport.

Being the eldest son, John was expected to take over the company just like his father before him. But John wasn’t cut out for the world of business. He is an adventurer, an explorer.

At age 18, John left his home and family behind to study at Starfleet Academy.

Road to Starfleet

Throughout the Federation and beyond, a Starfleet officer has the aura of a 24th century renaissance man or woman. The so-called miracle workers. In reality however, only a small percentage of officers graduating from the Academy are truly gifted to excel in just about everything.

John falls in the category of those who, with limited talent but with hard work, managed to struggle their way through those four long years at the Academy. Observe and learn. That’s what his mother always told him.

Having no great love for the sciences and already having basic engineering and piloting skills (he got his first shuttlepod from his father at age 12), he chose to major in Starfleet Academy Survival Training (both Security and Tactical). A security officer has front row seats when it comes to first contact missions or diplomatic conferences. He’d go crazy if he had to sit at the helm of a starship all day or if he was being confined to engineering.


The Kendrick Family

William “Bill” Kendrick, Father
Elisabeth “Lizzie” Kendrick, Mother
Eric Kendrick, Brother
Nathalie Kendrick, Sister

Academy Years

Gabriella Morientes
His best friend at the Academy.

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 239401.04 - 239801.03 Starfleet Academy
Ensign SD 239801.04 - Present USS Juneau
Security Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239801.04
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Lifesaving Ribbon 239803.12
USS Juneau
Awarded for his efforts in saving the sentient Mithgiln vessel Ma’al. Mission:Visitors in the Night
Innovation Ribbon 239803.12
USS Juneau
Awarded for his contribution in finding a way to help heal the sentient Mithgiln vessel Ma'al. Mission: Visitors in the Night
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239806.23
USS Juneau
Awarded for his help in establishing a peace between DaiMon Kaybay and the Jem'Hadar colony on Aturn VII. Mission: The Brave Ferengi
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239806.23
USS Juneau
Awarded for his help in establishing a peace between DaiMon Kaybay and the Jem'Hadar colony on Aturn VII. Mission: The Brave Ferengi
Prisoner of War Ribbon 239806.23
USS Juneau
Awarded for being held as a prisoner aboard the FMS Gold Feather by DaiMon Kaybay. Mission: The Brave Ferengi
Purple Heart 239806.23
USS Juneau
Awarded for sustaining an injury on Aturn VII. Mission: The Brave Ferengi

Achievement History

SD 239801.04 - SD 239803.07

Player Achievements

SIM Archive

Visitors in the Night (239801)
The crew of the USS Juneau is investigating a black hole circling a quasar, when probes pick up evidence of a derelict vessel on the verge of being pulled in. Closer inspection shows it to be a pair of vessels, a large vessel of unknown origin and a smaller but still large Mithgiln vessel.
The Brave Ferengi (239803)
The Jem'Hadar found a new home on Aturn VII, a planet claimed by the Ferengi DaiMon Kaybay. Captain Oddas is called upon by First Bekanar’Klan to mediate a peaceful resolution.

USS Juneau Crew

NPC Listing   ·   USS Juneau Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Oddas Aria
Kalia Qinn
Chief Med Ofc.
Karise Indobri
Chief Science Ofc.
Tomas Falt
Science Ofc.
Aratta Eriddu
Chief Sec/tac Ofc.
John Kendrick
Engineering Ofc.
Engineering Ofc.
Engineering Ofc.
Marine Ofc.
Zaaia Leix
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