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USS Ronin
Position Security Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Species Vulcan
Gender Female
Birthplace Vulcan
Writer ID C237708DW0


Lieutenant Synak was a Security Officer onboard the USS Ronin.

She was ordered to temporarily replace Lt.Commander Danny Wilde as Chief of Security of the Ronin and DS17 while he was being investigated for supposedly leaking classified information about Transphasic weapons. She was murdered on the Rakis planet whilst trying to negotiate with a former Bajoran Occupation collaborator.


  • Full Name: Synak
  • Race: Vulcan
  • Date of Birth: 233006.24
    • Age at Death: 55
  • Place of Birth: Vulcan
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic Status: T3
  • Current Status: Deceased
  • Cause of Death: Murder (Vapourised)
  • Place of Death: Rakis system


  • Height: 5' 4"
  • Weight: 120 lbs
  • Hair Colour: Black, Vulcan style.
  • Eye Colour: Green
  • Skin Tone: Pale Olive Green
  • Accent: Neutral
  • Handedness: Right

Personal History

Much of Synak's past is clouded in the fog of Starfleet Intelligence. She arrived on DS17 unexpectedly, mere seconds after Danny Wilde was ordered back to Earth for an investigation. Her initial job was to replace him as ships Chief of Security while he was being investigated by Starfleet for allegedly revealing top secrets regarding Transphasic weapons, but her real purpose was to perform her own independent investigation into these allegations. She bore no ill feelings toward the crew but her role as as an investigator and a member of the Senior Staff without the consent of Captain Mar, they simply didn't trust her. She attempted to seize control of ships security on two occasions by non-violent means, and failed each time. As such, Captain Mar placed no trust in her.

For a Vulcan spy, she seemed to take great interest in terrorizing friends Lt. Jack Kolk and Lt. Jhen Thelev. She frequently caught them up to no good and threatened to expose their antics to the ship. While she has not actively pursued them as targets, it seems a case of 'Murphy's Law' that wherever their mischief spreads, Synak is there to catch them.

She speculated with Lt.Commander Danny Wilde after the Galactic Barrier Incident that the mysterious Agent 505 - who is noted in Intelligence circles for using synaptic pattern displacement (Mind Meld) to transfer his personality into that of a feline in order to carry out top secret recon missions - may have stowed away onboard the Ronin in the form of Max The Cat. Little is known about the actual procedure in question, and Ronin crew members joke that Max is actually a Starfleet spy, given that he gets into tricky places. When Danny suggested she try a Mind Meld to see if the legend was true, Synak replied that Agent 505 only disclosed the identity of the feline in question to one person, and that Starfleet Intelligence has been trying to track him down for years, and also that even if she wanted to perform the Meld, she does 'not have the clearance to debrief Agent 505'.


In Desert Dangers (Ronin), when the crew of the USS Ronin had to abandon ship above the desert 'Rakis' planet, Synaks escape pod veered off course leaving her and her team stranded in the polar region. After what looked like a mutiny against her command, she persuaded Sarion, the barkeep of the Double Shot, to shepherd the remaining crew the 3km to the Captain's position. She remained behind the help dig for the escape pod which had been submerged into the sand by a 'Land Shark'. She waited with Ensign Tor Jolan, someone she remembered as being a collaborator with the Cardassians during the Occupation of Bajor. Promising to expose him when they were rescued, Tor vaporized her to keep his secret identity safe.

Synaks disappearance was treated as suspicious, and Starfleet Intelligence dispatched Lt.Commander Edward West to investigate while the Ronin was stationed at Utopia Planitia shipyards for repairs after the Rakis Incident.

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