152 Lightning Terrapins

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152nd Lightning Terrapins.png

The 152 Lightning Terrapins is a Rapid Response Unit assigned to the USS Juneau for operation in the Aavaro Wilds. Organized to supplement the ship security staff, and report to the Chief Security Officer through their CO, members often have specialities making them ideal to respond to specific situations, either aboard ship or shore. Often acting as the defacto representatives of Starfleet in the Wilds, the 152nd is a formidable, thoughtful, force upholding the ideals of the Federation and Starfleet through strength and compassion.


Being a smaller unit of only 12 or so, the 152nd makes up for its smaller numbers by being more tightly integrated with the ship's crew and by being specialty trained. Each member of the Marine Unit is a trained specialist in an area ranging from Electronic Warfare to Hostage Negotiation or Orbital Engineering.