Gorkon NPCs/Command Division

< Gorkon NPCs
Revision as of 04:18, 26 March 2020 by Quinn (talk | contribs) (Adding image.)
USS Gorkon NPC Roster
Command Division Operations Division Security Division Sciences Division Medical Division Civilian Contingent
Insignia Rank Portrait & Name Species and Sex Current Post Posted By
DS9style-ltjg red.png
Lieutenant JG
Eloise Moran.png
Eloise Moran Betazoid/Vulcan Female HCO Officer Quinn Reynolds
DS9style-ens red.png
Natália Novak Human Female Helm Officer General NPC
DS9style-crew1 red.png
Crewman First Class
Roshier Jackson Human Male Shuttle Pilot General NPC
DS9style-po1 red.png
Petty Officer First Class
Qu'ila Altoran Female Helm/Comm/Ops Officer General NPC
DS9style-crew3 red.png
Crewman Third Class
Lojah Oded Bajoran/Cardassian Female Yeoman Loxley
Administrative, Diplomatic and Specialist Officers
DS9style-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
Caedan Nkai Rodulan Male Special Operations Officer Quinn Reynolds
DS9style-ens red.png
Jhyrazhao sh’Kavhilji Aenar Shen Diplomatic Advisor Priavao sh’Qynallahr
DS9style-cmcpo red.png
Command Master Chief Petty Officer
Reiner Isidorus.png
Reiner Isidorus Human Male Command Master Chief Cory Stoyer
DS9style-lt black.png
Orson "Bear" Marshall Human Male Intelligence Officer Jocelyn Marshall
DS9style-ltjg black.png
Lieutenant JG
Lena Josett.png
Lena Josett Bajoran/Cardassian Female Intelligence Officer Quinn Reynolds
NPCs (both PNPCs and general NPCs) aboard the Gorkon are listed by division and department. Note that this database should be thought of as only a partial roster of the entire crew. New NPCs are frequently created within sims at the whim of a writer.

When adding new NPC characters on the Gorkon, please be sure to put [[Category:Gorkon NPCs]] at the bottom of their character page.