Artinus Serinus

Revision as of 18:02, 29 August 2019 by Artinus Serinus (talk | contribs)

Ensign Artinus Serinus is currently serving as a Security Officer aboard the (USS Columbia). Currently stuck in Dehner Base after being rerouted after the Columbia was attacked.

USS Columbia
Artinus Serinus
Position Security Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Magna Roman
Gender Male
DOB 237303.25
Age 28
Birthplace Roma, Magna Roma
Writer ID C239607AS0


  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 180 lbs.
  • Hair:Black
  • Eyes:Brown
  • Build:Lean, Muscular

Artinus Serinus is a handsome young man with a medium olive skin tone, a Roman nose, a chiseled jaw, and an athlete's frame.

Personal Traits

  • Personality: Serious, Friendly, Self-Disciplined
  • Blood Type: A Neg
  • Religion: Roman Pantheon
  • Languages spoken: English (Magna Roman), Latin (Magna Roman), Federation Standard, Klingon
  • Starfleet Serial Number: AS - 935 - 454


Donturr greeted the Ensign after he arrived to Dehner Base, after being rerouted there. The Benzite showed him to temporary lodging, and Artinus volunteered to help around the base while he waited for the Columbia.

Artinus first met Jona in the Gymnasium where the two men bonded over Klingon Opera. Since then, the two have each shared a holodeck program with the other.


  • Full name: Artinus Martinus Serinus
  • Species: Magna Roman


  • Father: Artinus Jovious Serinus
  • Mother: Hypathia Livia Serinus
  • Sibling: Marius Decimus Serinus

Early Life

The second and final child of a fairly elderly couple, Artinus had the advantages and disadvantages of having retired parents. His brother Marius was nearly an adult when he was born. When not in school in the city of Roma, his family had the luxury of traveling the planet of Roma. And he became accustomed to both the city, and country lives both equally. His family was not ruch, but well off enough to furnish a comfortable, yet semi-nomadic lifestyle. Artinus was a good enough student, while he did just fine in academic courses, he excelled in physical pursuits, winning many accolades in wrestling in particular. When he graduated secondary school, Artinus applied to the Starfleet Academy to follow the family tradition of public service.Instead of joining the diplomatic corps like his father and mother had, he chose to pursue the security services like his brother had.

The Academy

In the Academy, Artinus continued his past pattern of being an acceptable student, but an excellent athlete. Now he could explore many forms of individual and team sports that were not particularly popular on Magna Roma. But with with security training being what it is, he continued to be a prime wrestler, as well as learning more varied forms of martial arts. He developed a rather stringent workout routine to supplement the Academy's official physical training regiment, carefully crafting it to balance strength, endurance, and flexibility. Upon graduation Artinus was one of the more decorated athletes in Academy history.

Dehner Base

After a core breached killed five Columbia crewmen, Ensign Serinus was rerouted to Dehner Base to await a safe passage to his assigned ship.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239607.08 Graduated Starfleet Academy Security Officer
Ensign - USS Columbia Security Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239607.08
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

Academy Transcript

SIM Archive

NPC Listing   ·   USS Columbia Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Theo Whittaker
Executive Ofc.
Pholin Duyzer
Asst. Chief Ops
Jona ch'Ranni
Asst. Chief Tactical
James Colquhoun
Security Ofc.
Artinus Serinus
Security Ofc.
Kano Risha
Engineering Ofc.
Ryan Horn
Chief Medical Ofc.
Anath G'Renn
Karen Stendhal
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