Hey all! My name is Jay and I have written for several PCs and NPCs - most notably as Maxwell Traenor, but most recently as Tanin Kelbi on board the USS Constitution.


  • Name: Jay
  • Joined Starbase 118: November 2014
  • Location: Western Canada (UTC-8)

Ships of the Line

ApolloApprovedLogo.png Achilles-scale.png
USS Apollo-AAchilles class
DarwinLogo.png Horizon-scale.png
USS Darwin-AHorizon class
ZaLogo.png Chariot-scale.png
USS ZaChariot class
USS Constitution-logo.png Galaxy refit-scale.png
USS Constitution-BGalaxy class

Player Characters

Main Character/s
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
DS9style-cmdr gold.png
Commander Tanin Kelbi USS Constitution-B Operations Officer Active
DS9style-cmdr red.png
Commander Maxwell Traenor USS Constitution-B First Officer Inactive
DS9style-ltcmdr purple.png
Lieutenant Commander Tovin Aleris Darwin Diplomat Inactive
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
STO Lieutenant Yellow.jpg
Lieutenant Example Example Operations Officer Active
Lieutenant Example Deep Space 6 Tactical Officer Inactive
Lieutenant JG Example USS Constitution-B Science Officer Active
Ensign Test DS6 Tactical Officer Inactive
Civilian Test Starbase 118 Ops Civilian Inactive
Civilian Examples Starbase 118 Ops Diplomat Inactive

OOC Activities

Place any OOC activities here! Bear in mind that this is only a starting point, so feel free to modify as you feel fit!