Chelin Ch'Gabor

Revision as of 13:05, 23 December 2015 by Chelin Ch'Gabor (talk | contribs)

Ensign Chelin Ch'Gabor is currently serving as a Science Officer aboard the USS Constitution-B.

USS Constitution-B
STO Ensign Teal.jpg
STO Blank Teal.jpg
Chelin Ch'Gabor
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Andorian
Gender Male
DOB 236708.05
Age 34
Birthplace Andor


  • Height: 5'7
  • Hair: White
  • Eyes: Blue


  • Father: Charen - Deceased
  • Mother: Shena - Alive
  • Siblings: Older Brother (Cherin) - Alive
  • Spouse: N/A
  • Children: N/A


Loud when provoked, always doing things by himself, mostly reserved, always panics in an unexpected situation.


Chelin had a dramatic entrance to the world. His father, aboard the USS Kyushu when it entered Wolf 359 for battle against a Borg cube. While his father was at his post in engineering, his older brother and his mother, pregnant with him, was evacuated to an escape pod. After being saved from death, his mother, almost reaching Earth, gave birth to what is know known as Chelin.

He spent his first few years on Earth, unknown of his existence of his father. 5 years after landing on Earth, he moved back to Andoria and began his primary education there. Although he enjoyed life on Andoria, he always felt a missing link to somebody. From there, he aspires to become a Starfleet officer for numerous reasons, to explore the galaxy and to satisfy his needs of 'knowing'.

After completing his secondary education, his brother Cherin was posted aboard the USS Delegate on stardate 238111.24 as a security officer. This caused Chelin to want to really go to Starfleet. Afterwards, he left Andoria for Earth to join starfleet. After trying for almost 6 years in 2387, he finally entered Starfleet as a Science cadet.

He wasn't the best nor worse in class, but the professors always favoured the other cadets than Chelin. This formed into a habit for always trying to get someone's attention and his now loud demeanor. This didn't stop him from attempting to try to beat his other cadets and after his test, he finally gets to ride onboard a ship.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239212.22 Graduated Starfleet Academy Medical
Ensign 239212.22 USS Constitution-B Science Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239212.22
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Constitution-B Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Officer
Jalana Rajel
First Officer
Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani
Chief Tactical Offr
Atan T'Seva
Security Officer
Daniel Cain
Tac/Sec Officer
Asst CMO
Eleanor Park
2O/Mission Spec.
Laria Herren
HCO Officer
Mylas Bosko
Engineering Officer
Jiroo Zaka
Engineering Officer
Mingxing Shimisi
Chief of Science
Azura Ada
Asst CSO
Indrid Yirah
Intel Officer
Yito Seja
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