Cardiff class

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The Cardiff class is a joint product of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and the Vulcan Science Academy. It employs a Vulcan-style annular warp drive and two massive sensor pods, similar to those aboard Oracle class starships, that occupy the space taken by a traditional Federation starship's warp nacelles.

Invicta is part of an initial launch order of four commissioned starships of the class. The commissioning is part of the Federation’s commitment for Starfleet, in the final decade of the twenty-fourth century, to turn its eye most seriously to the joyful goal of seeking out new life and new civilizations -- and to thoughtfully avoid technologies and ship classes that would seem to seek war and conflict.

As the Klingons’ Vor’cha class cruiser incorporated aesthetic and technological designs from their alliance with the Federation, so too is the Cardiff class representative of the many relationships and alliances the Federation has throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The annular warp drive is the most obvious feature, allowing the Invicta to sustain an impressive cruising speed of warp 8. Further systems benefitted from alliances both within and beyond the Federation: The innovative computer systems were developed in part by researchers cooperating on Andor, Betazed, and Bynaus, and the easily alterable diplomatic accommodations -- which can tolerate quick changes in atmosphere, pressure, temperature, and a host of other important variables -- were designed by the Xindi.

Essential Stats

Class Cardiff

Type Diplomatic Courier and Explorer

Class first commissioned 2390