DS285 Crew Roster

Revision as of 12:31, 6 January 2015 by Udas (talk | contribs)
Deep Space 285 NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By
Command Division
STO LtCommander Black.jpg
Lt. Commander Glim Kyyrampa Kobheerian Female Red Play on Captain's Permission Only
Operations Division
Security & Tactical
STO Lieutenant Black.jpg
Lieutenant Thomas Compton Terran Male Gold General NPC
Sciences Division
Medical Division
Lieutenant KC Human Male Teal General NPC
Chief Petty Officer Steven Bringloidi Male Teal General NPC
Starfleet Marine Corps
Starfleet Intelligence
Civilian Contingent

This list only consists of PNPC's and NPC's. Instructions on how to edit this roster are available here.

Ops-icon.gif StarBase 118 Ops Amity-icon.gif Amity Outpost Denali Station.png Denali Station
Luna-icon.gif USS Artemis-A Galaxy-icon3.gif USS Astraeus Akira-icon2.gif USS Chin'toka
Galaxy-icon1.gif USS Constitution-B Sovereign-icon2.gif USS Gorkon Khitomer Small Icon.png USS Khitomer
Stargazer-icon1.gif USS Octavia E Butler Akira-icon1.gif USS Ronin Excelsior-icon1.gif Starfleet Vessel Register
Complete Listing
StarBase 118 Fleet